Tuesday, December 12, 2006

2006 Blog Tour - Day 2

I'll be back a bit later to post a little bit about what it is like to have Christmas in the middle of summer.

In the meantime, here's a link that shows some images of Australia set to a humourous Australian Christmas song that attempts to show a little what it is like!


  1. Hey Marg,

    I've tagged you for a meme: Six Weird Things About Me. I can see you're a busy girl with the Advent Tour, but I hope you'll be able to join at some point. No hurry. I like the Advent Tour idea! Very cool!

  2. Wow! Something I've never given much thought to before now is that Christmas is happening all around the world, not just here in the northern hemisphere where it's winter. Thanks so much for helping me step outside of myself. Loved the songs and pictures. I may have to buy one of Colin's albums. Nice voice.

  3. I guess this is where I have to acknowledge that I do love winter for something. I can't imagine Christmas without cold and *fingers crossed* snow!

    Have you always lived in Australia? Like many, Christmas is how you grew up maybe. Does Australia have a different image of Santa?


  4. Occasionally someone tries to create an image of Santa in shorts but I don't think it has really caught on! I lived in the UK for 5 years so I have had cold a few cold Christmases as well.

    Not much chance of snow here though.
