When Megan Murphy discovered a floppy-eared rabbit gnawing on the hem of her skirt, she meant to give its careless owner a piece of her mind, but Dr. Patrick Hunter was too attractive to stay mad at for long. Soon the two are making Thanksgiving dinner for their families.
And this was the last book I read in 2006...phew! Now I can start writing about the books of 2007!
As always, these re released romances of Janet Evanovich's are good brain candy. The storyline was probably a little unrealistic, what with a baby being left on his doorstep (he's a paediatrician) and therefore him needing Megan to help look after the baby. Soon the two are playing house and things begin to heat up!
It was a fun little read, as they all are, although this was better than some of the others that have been re released over the last couple of years.
Rating 4/5
Finished Reading on 30 December 2006
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