Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Not only is the Orange long list out today, also out this week was the long list for the Miles Franklin Award, which is the most prestigious Australian literary award.

The long list for the Orange award is as following:

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Half of a Yellow Sun
Clare Allan - Poppy Shakespeare
Rachel Cusk - Arlington Park
Kiran Desai - The Inheritance of Loss
Patricia Ferguson - Peripheral Vision
Margaret Forster - Over
Nell Freudenberger - The Dissident
Rebecca Gowers - When to Walk
Xiaolu Guo - A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers
Jane Harris - The Observations
M J Hyland - Carry Me Down
Lori Lansens - The Girls
Lisa Moore - Alligator
Catherine O'Flynn - What Was Lost
Stef Penney - The Tenderness of Wolves
Deborah Robertson - Careless
Rachel Seiffert - Afterwards
Jane Smiley - Ten Days in the Hills
Anne Tyler - Digging to America
Melanie Wallace - The Housekeeper

The only one of those I have read is The Tenderness of Wolves, although there are several others on the list that I have been wanting to read for a while!

The long list for the Miles Franklin is as below:

Beyond the Break by Sandra Hall
Careless by Deborah Robertson
Carpentaria by Alexis Wright
Dreams of Speaking by Gail Jones
Silent Parts by John Charalambous
Theft: A Love Story by Peter Carey
The Unexpected Elements of Love by Kate Legge
The Unknown Terrorist by Richard Flanagan

I have actually only heard of a couple of those. Interestingly enough, last year all of the shortlisted books were Historical Fiction. This year, I don't think any of these books are HF!

The plan is to read the shortlists of some of these awards as the year goes on! We will see how we go.


  1. Of the Orange Award, I haven't read any!! But I have Half A Yellow Sun, The Dissadent, Digging to America and The Inheritance of Loss on my list of NY Times Notables I'd like to read this year.

    Is this bad, but I haven't heard of ANY of the books on the Miles Franklin list!! Is it only for Aussie writer's? Somehow, they don't end up over the pond that fast!

  2. Yes, the Miles Franklin is only for Aussie writers. Some of them will make it across the pond eventually, but I guess not all of them.

  3. I found myself wondering whether Peter Carey is ever *not* on the Miles Franklin list. It is really quite difficult to find a lot of the Miles Franklin award-winners in the U.S. - too bad, because I think a lot of fine Australian writers are overlooked by American publishers. They've just now finally printed Marsden's Tomorrow When the War Began series in paperback. About time!!!

    Peter Carey has long since made his way across the pond, though. :)
