Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Is your name Helen and is it your birthday?

Actually it doesn't really matter!

Someone gave me an earworm this morning for an Australian band in the 90s which lead me to start clicking links on Youtube, which led me to this song by Things of Stone and Wood. It's called Happy Birthday Helen, but it is such a catchy and joyful song that it deserves to be played more often than just once a year!

Let's see where my clicking will lead me now!

OH yes! Transvision Vamp!

And another!

Can you tell I am not going to work today?? I took my son to the doctor last night - the same doctor that gave him two weeks off last year for a cold, and so now he has a certificate for the rest of the week off. I could really do without this, especially seeing as I think the shit is about to hit the fan at work!

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