The Bang Bang Book Challenge
This is a book challenge where the readers read a selection of fiction books set during one or more wars. The term ‘war’ is loosely defined here. It’s not strictly confined to the Civil War, Vietnam War, WWII…but can also extend to the recent conflicts in Africa and South America. The point of this challenge is not to constrain one’s reading, but to widen it, to raise awareness, to open one’s eyes.Rules:
- To participate you must choose 5 fiction books and sign up using the Mr. Linky link at the above link.
- The challenge lasts from Sept. 1 2008 through Feb. 28, 2009.
- There will be monthly Mr. Linkys for your reviews.
- You may overlap with other challenges.
- When you sign up (at the link above), please leave a comment as well!
- Also, when you comment after signing up, please include a list of the books you intend to read. The list can change along the way, of course, but it’s always nice to see what’s in your heads.
Now I love books that are set against a war. It's just a case of limiting my list to five, and making sure they were already on my list. Let's see what we have here:
Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik
Winston's War by Michael Dobbs
Flashman and the Dragon by George Macdonald Fraser
Seduction of the Crimson Rose by Lauren Willig
The Birth House by Ami McKay
I am so tempted to join in this challenge but I think I'm going to have to pass. I hope you have fun. I've had the birth house on my TBR stack for quite a while now.