Anyway, Carl V is once again hosting the Sci-fi Experience. In his words:
As I said last year, this is an experience and not a challenge. There are no reading lists, book requirements, etc. I do not argue about what is or is not considered ’science fiction’. Nothing about this two month period of science fiction celebration should cause anyone to feel obligated to participate. I host two other very involved challenges throughout the year and the last thing I want to do is start a new year adding stress to your busy lives or my own. This is simply a time to experience how exhilarating science fiction can be.
Again from last year:
“More than any other genre of fiction, science fiction reading is to me an experience– not only does it transport me to another time and place in the future but it also transports me to my past and as such creates an aura of reading that is wonderful to experience but difficult to describe. I can only hope that you fellow readers are nodding your heads in agreement right now, recalling similar experiences that you have with various novels and/or genres of fiction.”
The main reason for me to participate in the Experience is that sci-fi is one of the genres that I don't read very often, and so I like to try and expand my exposure to the genre as a whole. I really enjoyed the book I read last year, and then The Host by Stephenie Meyer is one of my favourite reads of 2008, so it does seem like a good idea to read another sci-fi book. The question is what? I could read the second book in the Island in the Sea of Time trilogy but I guess that would be cheating a little. I have borrowed it from the library a couple of times over the last twelve months but had to return it unread.
I think though I am going to give myself two books to read. Both are cross genre reads. The first is a sci-fi/romance that I bought months ago and haven't read yet - Wanderlust by Ann Aguirre. The other is a YA/sci-fi book that I first read about at Becky's Book Reviews, and have seen around other places in blogland - Life as We Know It by Susan Pfeffer.
****Edited to say****
I will of course be reading Grimspace, the first book in Ann Aguirre's ongoing series, not the second book!
OH! I LOVE that you joined a challenge based on the coolness of the button! I would agree that the same influenced me to join the Science Challenge - it's a very pretty button and I need to org my blog so everyone can see it...
ReplyDeleteMay I strongly suggest that you check out Scott Westefield. He does YA Sci-Fi and with the exception of one book, I have loved them all. I might have to do this challenge. I haven't read the "Host" yet.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your reviews of these books. Thanks for participating in the experience again this year.
ReplyDeleteShallow? Not at all. I often choose books because I like the covers and more often than not those choices turn out to be good ones. Glad you like the button! ;)
Joining a challenge just for the button. That is funny. I have done stuff like that before. Actually, I wanted a particular button from a blog, so I started following them, so it didn't look odd that I had their button.
ReplyDeleteIn high school I had to read science fiction. Since then, I find I really can't get into the genre. I hear many good things about "The Host" but I haven't bought it yet. I keep passing it when I am at Walmart.
Oh a while ago I read Mirror of Her Dreams by Stephen R. Donaldson. I LOVED it. It's been a while though so I am going to re-read it and see if I still enjoyed it as much as I did when I first read it. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI've joined this one too. And I hope you enjoy Life As We Knew It :) It is one of my favorite, favorite books.
I love Science Fiction and I really enjoyed "the host" as well. Maybe I will join? I am reading a book right now that I found in the sci-fi section of my library, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why... part of the reason I am reading it, to see if aliens show up in the middle of the crusades, or something. :D
ReplyDeleteI read some sci-fi too in my travels, but it is definietly the coolness of ther button that got me interested.
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone. Not sure if I can swing this challenge too, but I may give it a try :)
I love the button too. Maybe we're both shallow :P Thanks for reminding me that Life as We Knew It would fit the challenge! I've been meaning to get to that one.
ReplyDeleteWanderlust is great. I love that series. The second book made me cry.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I have ever read Sc-Fi so will be interested in your reviews.