Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Eva and me that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
Wasn't it fantastic to have Eva back for Library Loot last week?
This week I thought not only would I share my loot, but I also saw a meme on Readerbuzz a few weeks ago that I thought it might be fun to do as something a little bit different. You don't have to do it, only if you want to!
First though, here is my loot:

The Conquest by Elizabeth Chadwick - my quest to read my way through Elizabeth Chadwick's back list continues! I hope you got a chance to check out all the fun we had during Elizabeth Chadwick Week over at Historical Tapestry during the last week.
The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters - I have been meaning to try this author for ages. I do own another one of her books, but haven't read it yet.
Gale Force by Rachel Caine - the latest release in the Weather Warden series.

The Iron Hand of Mars by Lindsey Davis - My only reloot this week. This is the fourth book in the Marcus Didius Falco mystery series set in Ancient Rome.
Her Secret Fantasy by Gaelen Foley - The second book in the Spice trilogy.
Library Habits Meme:
(1) If you don’t frequent your local library, why not?
I think it is fair to say that most of us frequent the local, and in this case I am not talking about the pub!
(2) If you do visit the library, how often do you go?
I go to the library probably about twice a week.
(3) Do you have a favorite section that you always head to first, or do you just randomly peruse the shelves?
Usually when I do go to the library it is to pick up books that are being held for me so I tend to go straight for where the held books are shelved. I do like to just quickly browse the books that are on the end stands to see what is there.
(4) How many books are you allowed to check out at one time? Do you take advantage of this?
Our maximum number of books that can be checked out is 60, and we can have up to 20 books on request at any one day. I tend to get very close to the check out limits quite regularly!
(5) How long are you allowed to have the books checked out?
If the book is a popular new release then we only have two weeks, but ordinarily four weeks.
(6) How many times are you allowed to renew your check-outs, if at all?
Assuming that no one else has requested the book then you can renew your request a total of three times, meaning you can have a book out for up to 16 weeks before you absolutely HAVE to return it!
(7) What do you love best about your particular library?
I love that they tend to have just about every book that I want to borrow. Occasionally there is something that they don't have, but for the most part there are no complaints on my part!
(8) What is one thing you wish your library did differently?
Every now and again they only buy parts of series, so I would like to see that stop, and I wish that they were a little bit faster at exploring new ideas and technologies, for example time limited audio books. Come to think of it their audio book range is a little limited as well.
(9) Do you request your books via an online catalogue, or through the librarian at your branch?
Always online. I can't tell you how many times a day I check out the library catalogue!
10) Have you ever chosen a book on impulse (from the online catalogue OR the shelves) and had it turn out to be totally amazing? If so, what book was it, and why did you love it?
Every now and again I check out a book on impulse, but generally because I am always so close to my check out limits I have to come home and add it to my list and then request it later.
Want to share your library loot this week? Please add your link to Mr Linky!
Thanks so much Marg; you're a sweetheart! :)
ReplyDeleteI still need to try out some Elizabeth Chadwick. And I can't wait to read The Little Stranger; I'm reading Waters' books in published order so Fingersmith is next up for me.
Your library lets you keep books a lot longer (mine is 3 weeks and two renewals, so total possible time 9 weeks), but we have no limits on number of holds or books checked out. :D And I have the same answer for number 7 as you!
Conquest has been sitting on my shelf for like 10 years, yikes. I will read it one day cos I do love her
ReplyDeleteMy first Library Loot post is up! I hope it's OK that I called it that since it's not a regular LL post... (Although it may inspire me to go to my local library!)
ReplyDeleteYou've got some interesting books here this week. I'm eventually hoping to read Conquest (I know I said elsewhere that I hadn't read any of Chadwick's books, but I discovered afterwords that I have a copy of that one).
ReplyDeleteI've seen the Lindsey Davis books before, but never borrowed or read one. Are they good?
Oooh, mystery set in ancient Rome: I've read Steven Saylor's Roma sub Rosa series and am now reading another series by Ruth Downie also set in ancient Roman times. And now you're giving me a third idea! Oh, great (rolling eyes). ;)
ReplyDeleteBut really, thanks. I would have participated in the meme, if I had seen it earlier. I was at the library earlier (minor computer problems, probably won't be here long) and for some reason, I couldn't see your post. I could see the sidebar, but the ad blockers actually blocked your post! Go figure. Anyway...
These look great! I picked up two. I started one and Jake the other. Both are good so far.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I don't know how to do the link thing so if someone wants to help clueless me, please do!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of that particular title from Waters. Going to go and look that one up. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteZibilee, this is her latest book!
ReplyDeleteAlyssa, you just get your actual link for your Library Loot post and copy and paste it into the bottom line of Mr Linky and put your name in the top line! It's in there, so either someone else did it for you or you figured it out!
Justareadingfool, feel free to do the meme another time if you want to! I just thought it might be a bit of fun! The Falco books are funny as well as historically accurate. The main character comes across as a kind of jaded gumshoe type detective but with a Roman setting!
Elena I really enjoy the Falco books. I hope you enjoy Chadwick's books. I really love them!
Avisannschild, welcome to Library Loot! It is fine to join in whenever you go to the library!
Blodeuedd, I am looking forward to The Conquest.
Eva, I tell you if my library has no limits to how much you can borrow or put on hold there would never be any books left on the shelves, and I would never, ever get any books that I own read! I already struggle enough with that!
I only discovered Sarah Waters this year and am loving what I've read so far (Affinity and The Fingersmith). Hope you enjoy your loot!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to reading her Olduvai. I have been meaning to read her for ages!
ReplyDeleteI've had my eye on Little Strangers for awhile. Can't wait to hear what you think of it.
ReplyDeleteActually, Gale Force is not the latest Weather Warden novel - Cape Storm was released in early August ;-)
ReplyDeleteGreat haul, Marg! I've always been curious about the Weather Warden series. So many readers seem to love it.
ReplyDeleteI like your Library Meme, too. The little pub pun made me chuckle. ;) Would you guys believe my library has NO LIMIT to the number of books you can borrow at once?
I meant to ask if you had gotten the chance to read Wolf Brother from your Library Loot from last week? If you did, would you mind sharing your thoughts on it? I've been curious about that one myself. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm simply amazed at the books your library has. It's no secret that I often lament the poor library system in my county.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love the meme :)
Another great set of books. I have a few Elizabeth Chadwicks in y TBR, but I keep getting distracted by library books. And I loved the Sarah Waters - but don't be put off her backlist if you don't get on with this one - her books are all very different.
ReplyDeleteFleur, thanks for mentioning that all her books are different. Do you have a favourite?
ReplyDeleteLori, I am very lucky with my library.
Christine, not yet. It is one of the books I will be renewing a couple of times I think. The Weather Warden serie is funny. If you were to ask me what my favourite fantasy books are I probably wouldn't say that one but I really enjoy every book when I read them.
Thanks Tez! Added it to my list. It i has taken my library this long to get Gale Force so I am not expecting them to have Cape Storm any time soon!
Stephanie, I am looking forward to reading it. I think I am in the mood for a good ghost story.
Hello Marg! I've finally decided to become a "Library Loot" poster. I'm determined to use the library more in order to spend less money on books - at least until I've paid off my credit card and made some room on my shelves!
ReplyDeleteThe whole money aspect was what prompted me to start using my library Felicia, and I have never looked back!