Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's my blogiversary!

Today marks four years since I started this blog! You'd think I would be better at it by now wouldn't you! LOL!

Over the last three years, we have had the low key I-won't-mention-it blogiversary and a couple of retrospective blogiversary posts. This year is different though! We might call it the Party blogiversary!

Let's see. What do we need for a party? Gifts? I can do that. Announcements? I can do that too!

I'll start with gifts. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do this because of the events of the last few days, but I have decided that I am just going to do it and worry about the costs later! Do what? Why have a giveaway of course!

There are four books that I have read this year that I have rated as being 5/5 reads, books that I have absolutely adored, so I will give the winner their choice of book from the following:

Over the next four days I will do a post with the synopsis of each book (who knows, maybe even a review) to help you choose.

The winner will also receive a handmade bookmark. I love painting these ladies, and so have a couple of examples here, but if you would like a different colour dress, the please just let me know and I will make it for you in whatever colour you would like. A couple of runners up will also receive one of the bookmarks. I will probably put up a chart in the next couple of days so you can see the colour choices, and tell you about my sad obsession with Twinkling H2Os, which is the ink that I used to colour them.

The giveaway will close on November 25, and is open world wide, as long as Book Depository ships to you. Just leave a comment on this post saying which book you would like to win. Please also make sure that your email address is either in your profile, or in your comment so that I can contact yoiu if you are the winner.

Is that it? Well, no, it isn't actually.

I am also incredibly pleased to announce that I have decided to host a reading challenge. For years, I have been intending to go back to the beginning and read my way through Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Despite my best intentions, it just hasn't happened, so now I am challenging myself, and whoever else would like to participate to read some Pratchett during 2010. The sign up post will go up in a couple of days, but in the meantime, here's a sneak peak at the fabulous button that was created for me by Maili as a result of my cry for help the other day!

Finally, I thought I would also quickly mention that it is just a few days until Kailana and I unveil this year's Virtual Advent Tour. We have had lots of fun doing this for the last couple of years, and I really hope that lots of people join in again this year! The proper announcement will be up shortly, so keep watching this space!

So there you have it. A book giveaway, some book marks, a challenge and an upcoming event! Sounds like a pretty busy blogiversary to me!


  1. I love your blog. That being said I am currently reading "The Graveyard Book," and was trying to remember where I had heard about it. AH HA!! Liking it so far I'm to the point that Bod is going to school. :) Keep up the blogging I can't tell you how excited I am for the Advent. YAY Christmas. :) Happy Blogerversary.

  2. Happpy, happy Marg! Four years? My, how time flies.....

  3. Congrats on your blogiversary!!!

  4. Happy Bloganiversary. You are awesome. Actually i would like to win the bookmarks..but to choose a book it would be Sophie's Secret.
    TKS Penny

  5. Happy Blogiversary! I am excited by your giveaway because you suggested one book in particular to me and two of the others have been on my wishlist. So that means the fourth must OBVIOUSLY be great, too.

    And excited about the Pratchett challenge, too! Particularly since Death is the button man :-)

  6. Holy cow, I *love* those bookmarks. You did that? So cool.

    Happy Blogoversary.

  7. 4 years, congratulations. I'm being somewhat introspective for my 1st blogoversary. I'm trying decide if I've accomplished anything and what I want to do with it. How do you feel about the progress of your blog?

  8. Happy blogoversary!!! Those bookmarks are beautiful and I'll keep my fingers crossed that I win one. The books look good, too. LOL!

  9. Happy Blogiversary! I would love to win the Neil Gaiman book. I've been trying to buy or check this one out of the library and have not met with success. I have his American Gods book but haven't read it yet. I'm at Thanks for the opportunity! P.S. the bookmark are beautiful, do you really paint them yourself!

  10. Congratulations! I'd love to be entered -- my pick is "Swan Maiden". My e-mail is on my profile! Thanks!

  11. Happy blogoversary and great giveaway. I think I'll probably be in your challenge too.

  12. My son is reading the Gaiman book and loving it. No need to enter me in the give away.

    Happy Blogiversary!

  13. Happy Blogiversary!! Here is to another 4 years.

    I would love to be entered for The Hunger Games.

  14. Has it been 4 years all ready? That means we have known each other for over 4 years! Where does time go! Happy blogiversary!

    Oh, and count me in for the Pratchett challenge. :)

  15. Well done on 4 years Marg. I see you also have G & H in hand for the Alphabet Crime meme :-)

  16. Happy blogoversary! Four years is a long time to keep up a blog. I only hope I can do the same.

    I may join your Terry Pratchett challenge - I've always meant to read more Discworld and 2010 is mostly empty right now!

  17. Happy Blogiversary!

    I'm so excited about this giveaway and I'd like to win a copy of Swan Maiden.


  18. Congratulations Marg! 4 years is a long time in the blog world and I love visiting yours daily. Thank you for 4 years of book recommendations and other interesting conversations.

    I'm not sure I'm up to that challenge though... I've been curious about Pratchett but I have so many challenges already...oh well, I'll think about it later after I inspect what's in the TBR pile.

  19. Oh forgot to say I would love to enter the giveaway as I love books and bookmarks...

  20. No need to put me in any drawings. I just wanted to tell you Happy Blogiversary!!


  21. Happy blogiversary!!

  22. Happy Blogiversary Marg! Wow, 4 years is an amazing achievement. You GO girl!

    You don't need to enter me for a book, but I'd love a chance to win one of your gorgeous bookmarks. :)

  23. happy bloganniversary! yhere seem to be a lot of people having blog anniversary this month. I've already seen a few

    definitely not Hunger Games and Graveyard book which I have read, I am not familiar with the other two - but Swan Maiden looks interesting


  24. Happy blogiversary, four years. Woohoo! I'd love to win the Kearsley book (the library's order is taking forever), as well as a bookmarker. You know how to find me if I actually win :)

  25. Hey!! Congrats on four years, and you're going so strong. You know, you were one of my first blog buddies when I first started. I did your christmas tour my first year, and it really made me feel welcome in the blog community. So thanks!

  26. Happy Blogiversary!! Here's to another 4 great years!

    Your bookmarks are beautiful! as for the books, it's a hard call between the Swan Maiden (love irish folklore) and The Graveyard Book (which sounds clever)

  27. Happy Blogversary!!!!!!!! Many more to come I'm sure! Those bookmarks are beautiful!

  28. Happy blogiversary!! I love those bookmarks.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  29. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY MARG!!! Great and a thousand hoorays from Denmark :o)

    And the Blog Advent Tour...Woohoo, had much fun with that last year, looking forward to this year with much joy.

  30. Happy blogiversary! Keep up the good work!

    I love the idea of a Pratchett challenge. I've been steering clear of challenges, but I'm considering this one.

  31. Happy Blogiversary! Have a great rest of the week.

  32. Happy Blogiversary!

    The Terry Pratchett challenge is tempting. I've never read any of his books, but I've heard many good things. So I might just be joing that reading challenge.

    P.S. No need to enter me in the contest.

  33. Happy anniversary!

  34. Hey Marg, Congratulations. I've loved reading your comments on your blogs, and on HFonline. I've all but given up on ever getting the Kearsley book. Maybe I'll win it. And the bookmarks are beautiful.

  35. Happy 4th Blogiversary, Marg!!!

    I just adore your bookmarks. They are quite beautiful and am interested in how you make them and the mediums you use.

    I've already read and loved The Hunger Games and actually have The Graveyard Book in my library queue, so I'd probably choose one of the other two, but will wait to learn more about them before I commit to a choice! :)

  36. Happy Blogiversary Marg! I adore those bookmarks, they're fabulous.

    You know, if memory serves, I believe I've been reading you since the beginning..that means I've "known" you for 4 years. Isn't that lovely?

  37. Happy blogiversary! If I hadn't read all the Discworld books already I'd be all over this challenge. That said I want to reread some of them so I might follow you on an unofficial basis.

  38. Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!! And here's to many more years :]

  39. Happy Blogiversary, Marg! I thought the bookmarks look awesome!

  40. Happy Belated Blogiversary, Marg!

  41. Oh wow, congratulations on your bloggiversary! Your bookmarks are so sweet.

    Wishing you many more bloggy years to come :)

  42. Happy Blogoversary! (Better late than never, yes?) I'd love Hunger Games -- we bought Catching Fire, but are lacking that one...

    And I think I'll have to keep an eye out for the Terry Pratchett challenge; I've been wanting to read more by him, and that would give me a perfect excuse! :-)

  43. I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com

  44. Congratulations on 4 years in the blogging world!

  45. Oh wow, four years and you're still going strong :-)

    Happy blogiversary!

  46. Happy Blogiversary!!! I would love to be entered to win Sophia's Secret. Thanks for the chance.


  47. happy Blogaversary!
    BOth this one and your History Tapestry blog are excellent. YOu have def contributed to my TBR.


    THanks for the contest :)

  48. happy Blogaversary!
    BOth this one and your History Tapestry blog are excellent. YOu have def contributed to my TBR.


    THanks for the contest :)

  49. Happy Blogiversary-4 years is quite an achievement!
    a. I would want to read Swan Maiden-I've seen it in stores but have not as yet gotten around to getting it. Email is stephaniefleischer889 [at] gmail [dot] com
    b. I would love a pink dress bookmark but really any color is good.
    c. I haven't read many of the Discworld novels but Death is definitely my favorite character so I like seeing him on the button.

  50. Happy Blogaversary!!!

    I am a new follower...


    enter me please!! thank you

  51. Happy Blogiversary! Your bookmarks look beautiful :) I would love to win Sophia's Secret - thanks!


  52. Happy blogoversary!

    I am hosting a blogoversary giveaway too, so you might want to participate in mine.

    I love your bookmarks, and I would love to enter for "The Hunger Games".

    It's been all over the blogosphere and I am just dying to read it.

    Have a great year ahead!

  53. Oops, I forgot to leave my email ID behind:

  54. Happy Blogiversary! 4 years running your blog - that's huge. And your giveaway istotally awesome. Please enter me for Swan Maiden.

    Your bookmarks are lovely, too. I'd love a lady in a dark blue dress :) But also pink, purple, green; I'm not picky.


  55. Congratulations on the blogiversary! What a great way to celebrate! Count me in! I would like to enter for The Graveyard Book, please....and the bookmarks are beautiful! I definitely could use another one.


  56. Wow, Marg! Four years already? Happy blogiversary :-) Here's to many, many more years of blogging!

  57. Happy anniversary to you!

    I would love to win The Swan Maiden.

    Thanks for the opportunity - please enter me :)



  58. How exciting! I think the Graveyard Book would be wonderful! I am going to post this on my giveaway page too!

    journey through books @ gmail dot com

  59. happy fourth blogiversary!
    I'd love to enter to win Hunger Games please =)
    added this contest to my sidebar too:



  60. Please count me in. I would love to win the Hunger Games.

    lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  61. Happy Blog versary-I would like to read the Hunger Games-I have heard great things-actually I really want a book mark-they are great -I love book marks your remind me on ones I picked up at Versailles.

    chocolate and croissants at yahoo dot com

  62. Happy Blogiversary! Your blog just keeps getting better and better!

  63. Happy Blogiversary :)

    I would love to win any book, but my first choice would be The Graveyard Book! Thanks so much!

  64. hello,
    i just wanted to say awesome giveaway! :D
    i would love to win hunger games please and those book marks are incredible! they look amazing!

  65. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I'd love to participate in your giveaway. :) I would really like to read The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.

    The Terry Pratchett reading challenge sounds great! I have yet to read any of his books - lots more of others to catch up on. :)

    Well, thanks!


  66. what an awesome giveaway! I would love a chance to win Swan Maiden!


    sensitivemuse at gmail dot com

  67. I would love to win Sophia's Secret. Great giveaway btw.

  68. happy anniversary :)

    would enjoy reading 'sophie's secret'

    karen k

  69. Happy Blogiversary!

    I would love to win The Graveyard Book.

    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  70. Congratulations! I just came to your blog from A Novel Challenge featuring Pratchett challenge (which I will be joining soon), so it's probably my first time here. Would love to enter the giveaway if you don't mind :). The bookmarks look wonderful!

  71. Congratulations!!! I would love to enter for The Hunger Games.

  72. Four years! Fantastic. Thanks for the giveaway. I loved your review of Sophia's Secret and look forward to reading it.
    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  73. I think I left my entry in the wrong place, since I am reading your posts backwards! I would love to win a copy of The Winter Sea. Happy Blogiversary as well!


  74. Happy blogiversary!
    I would love to read Sophia's Secret...and those bookmarks look very intriguing!
    mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

  75. I would love to win The Hunger Games, I have heard so many great things about it but it is yet to make it on to my reading list.


  76. Happy Bloggaversery! Here is to many more!

  77. Happy Blogiversary ! I would love to win The Hunger Games

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  78. Great Giveaway! I would love the swan maiden.

  79. I'd love to win The Hunger Games.

    Happy Blogiversary!

    simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

  80. I don't think I ever happened to cross your blog before, still I'd like to wish you a happy blogiversary!
    All the books you cited are getting raging reviews, so it may be hard to choose... I'd go for the Hunger Games...
    Thank you for making this giveaway international!

  81. Happy Blogoversary Marg. Please count me in for your giveaway. Totally agree with you about The Hunger Games and The Graveyard Book. I haven't read the other two. Your bookmarks are gorgeous, anyone would be very lucky to receive one of them!

    I'd love to win Sophia's Secret


  82. I'd love to read Niel Gaiman's novel.

    Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.

    avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

  83. hey
    great comp; your book marks are exsquisite and beautiful by the way.
    i would like to read the swan maiden, it has a beautiful cover and reads like it could be something i'd enjoy.
    wateva_08 at hotmail dot com
    thanks :D

  84. Happy Blogiversary! It's tough deciding between Hunger Games and Graveyard book, but I think I'll have to go with the Hunger Games.


    ~ Popin

  85. No need to enter me. Happy Blogiversary! Wow, 4 years and going strong. This month was my 2 year blogiversary.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Happy Blogiversary! I think I'll go with The Hunger Games.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  88. I just found your blog today through Breaking the Spine and I saw this contest. Happy Blogiversary! I would love to be entered to win The Swan Maiden. And your bookmarks are beautiful! You're very talented!


    theintrovertedreader at gmail dot com

  89. A very happy blogoversary to you. the bookmarks are very pretty and anyone would love to have them. So very nicely done. Would like to be entered for The Graveyard Book. Thanks for making the contest open for international readers. Much appreciated.


  90. Happy Belated Blogiversary! May you have many many more!

  91. Please enter me in this giveaway!

    I would love to win The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.

    saemmerson at yahoo dot com

    Sarah Emmerson

  92. Happy Blogiversary!

    I'd like Swan Maiden


    Thanks for the opportunity!

  93. Happy blogiversary!!

    I'd love to win The Hunger Games!


  94. Happy Blogoversary! Those handmade bookmarks are beautiful!
    I would love to win Hunger Games!

  95. I would love to win The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
    carlos_durao AT hotmail DOT com
