Stephenie Meyer Mini Challenge
End January 30 2009


Ends February 9 2009

Ends February 28 2009

Bang Bang Book ChallengeEnds 28 February 2009.

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

Once Upon a Time III
Finishes 20 June 2009

Book Awards IIEnds June 30 2009

Library Challenge

Chunkster Challenge Ends November 15 2009

Love Bites Reading Challenge
Finishes 30 June 2009

Victorian Challenge
. Ends 30 June 2008

I Suck at Challenges
Ends July 1 2009

Pub 09 Reading Challenge

100+ Reading Challenge

RIP IV Reading Challenge
Ends 31 October 2009

Books Alive Reading Challenge

War Through the Generations: WWII

Ends January 15 2010

You did an amazing number of challenges this year! Are you planning on doing as many in the upcoming year? This is my first year doing any and I am kind of nervous about not finishing them all. One of the ones I am definitely doing is the Terry Pratchett challenge that you are hosting. I've already bought the first 2 books in the Discworld series and am looking forward to them. My husband got a hold of the first book and is in the middle of it now. He say's it's really good, so that's encouraging to me!