When did you first hear of The Lord of the Rings
Have you read The Fellowship of the Ring before?
What’s your plan of attack, now that we’re dealing with more “mature” literature?
Have you ever seen the movies? If so, do you think they’ll influence your reading? If not, well, why haven’t you seen them?
I first heard of The Lord of the Rings after reading The Hobbit, but I am pretty sure I didn't actually read it until I had already left school. Here's the thing about this trilogy though. I hardly remember anything about it. I am relatively sure that I have already read it, but it will in effect be just like reading it the first time through I think. I do have vague recollections, but I am not sure that it is any more than is out in the general knowledge in the public.
In terms of my plan of attac, normally with my library books (yes that exceptionally boring cover is from my library book), I keep a list of return dates and whether the book can be extended again, and I keep track of which book I should read next. In other words I keep every library book to read until the last possible moment. I am actually breaking out from that routine to include this book in my February reads, because in theory, assuming that I can extend it through the full cycle of extensions, then I wouldn't actually have to read it for another 8 weeks or so. Instead I think I will try to read 100 or so pages each week. I am sure once I get into it, I won't want to put it down and so I will get through it by the end of the month.
There are some times when I am almost shy to confess that there are certain movies that I haven't ever seen. Let me give you an example. I have never, ever seen any of the Star Wars movies from beginning to end. I've seen bits and pieces, but not whole movies. There's no real reason for this. My mother wouldn't let us see the early movies when we were kids because in her opinion they were rubbish, and then I just really never got around to seeing them once she no longer controls what I view despite the fact that I did go through phases of being really into series like Star Trek, Stargate etc. You know where I am going with this don't you? Yep. Never, ever seen any of the Lord of the Rings movies. Maybe reading this book will inspire me to go and watch it.
Are you joining in on the readalong this month?
The movies are actually pretty good - especially the first one, I think. Fellowship probably lends itself to the structure of a film better than the other ones, but anyway it's really quite good. You could just watch the first one! and then not watch any more if you found you didn't like them. But seriously, the guy who plays Aragorn is ever so very attractive. :P
ReplyDeleteThe first movie is great. I have mixed feelings about the others, but all three have their good moments. And the casting and visuals are spot-on in almost every instance. And yes, Aragorn is quite pleasant to look at, and Legolas even more so, but my heart belongs to Faramir.
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy the books!
You're not the only one - I haven't seen the Lord of the Rings movies either . Star Wars I did because the kids wanted to see them.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had time to join in on this read a long. LOR is one of my favorite series of all time! I first read them when I was 14. I really like the movies also.
ReplyDeleteAmy, I didn't think to much about how I was going to fit the readalong in past The Hobbit which I had meant to read again for years. Now I am trying to read the next three books in three months. It will be a challenge that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteCat, I am so glad that I am not the only one out there who has never seen them.
Teresa and Jenny, after I have finished reading the books I might make an effort to watch the movies
I need to get my book out and start reading. I've been trying to get through the last of my library books before starting but I may just end up renewing all I can and then reading LOTR. You know, the movies aren't bad but, as usual, I like the book better. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have never read any of these books despite them being favorites of my husband and son. I really think I should, but I am kind of intimidated after hearing about all the singing that goes on. I will be following your reviews though, and hoping that something changes my mind about these books!
ReplyDeleteYou're boring library copy is the same version I have! Mine is old and dusty though.
ReplyDeleteI also use reverse date logic to prioritize reading! I haven't so swap that this time though as I own this book and I have to say - been a long time I've read something that wasn't 'due back by... sometime'.
The films are great, and I have to nod in agreement here that especially the first film is great - highly recommend it once you are done reading. It's a truly faithful and loving adaptations. Perhaps the most so out of any film I've seen.
In my opinion you are lucky, lucky to read the books without having seen the movies. See the world and plot through Tolkien's eyes first. Then you'll be able to appreciate the movie and the changes made.
ReplyDeleteI am late dropping by, but wanted to mention that if you haven't watched the LOTR movies, you should! They are one of my favorites! :)