Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Teaser Tuesday - Two Teaser from chunksters

It's been a while since I read a true chunkster, but suddenly I am not reading one only, but two at the same time.

The first teaser comes from page 21 of The Name of the Wind by Patrick Ness Rothfuss.

As he shouldered his travelsack and satchel, Chronicler found himself feeling remarkably lighthearted. The worst had happened, and it hadn't been that bad.

The other chunkster that I am reading is a saga spanning generations of three families - one of my favourite types of read. The teaser comes from page 1 of Roses by Leila Meacham, and certainly caught my attention straight away!

He searched her expression for indications that age had finally affected her faculties, but she stared back with all the clear eyed acuity for which she was renowned. Working saliva into his mouth, he asked,"Is this codicil for real, Mary? You've sold the farms and changed your will?"

Teaser Tuesday is host by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. Oh Wow...2 teasers! Nice ones too! Here's mine:

  2. Two great teasers. Roses sounds really interesting!

  3. both of these look great - I do like the sound of that fantasy book.

    here's mine http://livemorenow.wordpress.com/2010/02/16/teaser-tuesday-100216/

  4. Primo selections!

    So...chunkster challenge means both of these are dauntingly long then :)?

  5. Great teasers this week! I'm looking forward to your review of Roses. Seems everyone is reading this one...

    Here's mine this week - http://justbookreading.com/2010/02/16/teaser-tuesdays-3-for-1-tuesday-special/

  6. Oh, I really enjoyed Roses, hope you do too! Great teasers!

  7. I've been reading more chunksters lately. They can be very satisfying!

  8. Roses sounded really good until the saliva part. Made me gulp my coffee. LOL. I guess the author wanted to show that his mouth was dry. Great teasers!

  9. You must have the Chaos Walking trilogy on your mind! :) I was excited when I saw your post in my reader and it said Patrick Ness - thought he had a new book out. ~wink~

  10. The first one sounds like more my thing than the second. What's the title of the second?

  11. Whoo hoo Roses sounds so good. I have it on the TBR pile. This makes me want to get to it asap!
    I hope you enjoy the book. Here's my teaser Have a great week!

  12. I liked both!


  13. Great teasers! I like the cover of The Name of the Wind.

  14. Both sounds very interesting! The Name of the Wind I'm going to have to add to my TBR list.

  15. what's a chunkters??

    Both teasers are interesting :)

  16. You are brave to tackle two chunksters at the same time! Both sound really good and really different from each other. Great teasers :)

  17. Roses sounds very interesting.

  18. I'm not sure what a chunkster is, but those were some good teasers. I especially like the second. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  19. I really like the first one! It's a very freeing feeling, to know that you've survived the worst.

    My naughty (but funny) teaser is here.

  20. I loved The Name Of The Wind! I keep hoping that the next one will come out very soon.

  21. Annell, I was looking on Amazon for covers yesterday and I am sure I saw a release date of 1 January 2011 for the second book.

    Definitely a naughty and funny teaser from you Lisa!

    Kaye and Novroz, a chunkster is a really big books. Both of them are up near 600 pages.

    Beth, Roses is good so far. I am could very easily just keep reading that one and suddenly find that it is 4 o'clock in the morning.

    Alita, I actually realised this morning that I am reading three chunksters at the moment because I am still reading Fellowship of the Ring.

    Heidi, Name of the Wind has got pretty good reviews everywhere.

    Stephanie, it is an interesting cover compared to the others that are around.

    Kaye, it does sound good doesn't it!

    Alice, I was really not concentrating when I wrote this apparently! The title of the second book is Roses. I will add it to the post.

    Sorry about that Carrie! I did notice when I was writing the post that I had said Patrick Ness, and thought I had changed it! Guess not.

    Bookmagic, I love chunksters! Give me a big book and I will be happy anytime!

    Amy, Roses did seem to just appear every where all of a sudden didn't it!

    CeeCee, it was a pretty shocking moment in the book, despite the fact that it was the first page.

    Irishrosedkm, yep! Pretty much!

  22. Both teasers are interesting. I am more likely to read the one by Rothfuss because it sounds more like my usual reads.

    My teaser is here.

  23. I'm working my way through Roses and really enjoying it but because it's so long I'm reading it in pieces with other, shorter books.

  24. Roses has such a pretty cover. My post is here.

  25. Ooh, both of these look good to me for very different reasons! I have actually thought about buying a copy of Roses, but I will wait until reading your review to see what you think of it. I hope you have a great reading week!

  26. Loved both the teasers!! I didn't realize Roses was a chunkster.

  27. I can't wait to read your thoughts on Roses. I've been looking at it here and there at the bookstore but hadn't picked it up yet. It sounds really good though!

  28. 2 great teasers this week :o) I hope you enjoy them both!

    Mine is here:

  29. these both sound great! not familiar with either one.
