Monday, May 17, 2010

Anya Seton Season at Historical Tapestry

If you love Anya Seton's writing, or one particular book of hers, and would like to participate in the season by contributing a guest post, please let us know as we would be delighted to welcome you!


  1. I have a few of her books on my shelf, but haven't yet tried one. This might be a good time! I will have to let you know which one I decide on!

  2. I have loved the Anya Seton novels I've read. Let me give this some thought. Regardless, I'll be reading along in June.

  3. I've only read one of her books, Green Darkness--and that was over 30 years ago. I've never forgotten it. I'll be interested in seeing what others are reading and posting.

  4. I clicked on the picture but couldn't find a homepage--are you hosting?

  5. Possibly would have helped if I had of linked wouldn't it!

    Historical Tapestry can be found here

  6. Zibilee, I am meant to be reading a couple myself, so we might end up reading the same one!

    Literate Housewife, it would be great if you did post something for us! No pressure though.
