Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Armchair BEA: If I was in New York today

As part of Armchair BEA I thought it would be a fun idea to do posts about what authors and sessions I would be trying  to attend if I really was in New York, as well as a little bit of cyber tourism about the city as well because I haven't been there yet, but would like to one day.

It appears that Tuesday is more an industry type day at BEA so that means there was really only one session that caught my eye and that is BEA Buzz (4.30pm), mainly because I love the idea of knowing what the next big books are going to be. The description of the session is below:

BEA’s original and ultimate taste making event. Insightful and passionate, this intimate editorial exchange will provide you with an editor’s perspective on six of the Fall’s biggest potential breakout releases.

Program Chair: John Freeman, American Editor, Granta

Editors: Chuck Adams, Executive Editor, Algonquin with Jonathan Evison’s WEST OF HERE; Susanna Porter, Executive Editor, Ballantine with Anne Fortier’s JULIET: A Novel; Mitzi Angel, Publisher, FSG with Ben Goldacre’s BAD SCIENCE; Judy Clain, Executive Editor, Little, Brown & Co. with Emma Donoghue’s ROOM; Nan Graham, Editor-in-Chief, Scribner with Siddhartha Mukherjee’s THE EMPEROR OF ALL MALADIES: A BIOGRAPHY OF CANCER; Cary Goldstein, Assoc. Publisher, Twelve with Benjamin Hale’s THE EVOLUTION OF BRUNO LITTLEMORE

On the plane trip over I would have tried to reread Beverly Swerling's books, City of Dreams and City of Glory so that I could refresh my memories about the founding of New York. I haven't yet read the fourth book written by her about New York, so I would try to read City of God as well! It's a very long flight from here to there!

Assuming that it was a lovely day I would get an early start and take the Statue of Liberty ferry so that I could see all round that very famous icon of New York. I would also try to spend time at the Immigration Museum on Ellis Island. This is something I have wanted to do since reading The Bridge to the Holy Cross by Paullina Simons (published in other countries under the title Tatiana and Alexander) because one of the main characters had spent some time there on their arrival in America.

Of course, I won't have the connection to the place that lots of Americans would have, but I think it would still be fascinating.

And at night, maybe a trip to the Empire State Building just before closing to see if I can find my true love who will know that I am going to be there (a la Sleepless in Seattle and An Affair to Remember). Hopefully the fact that it isn't Valentine's Day won't count against me). One bad thing though is that the last elevator goes up at 1.15am which is late if I am going to get another early start to get to BEA tomorrow!

A girl can dream can't she?

Just for fun, here's a scene from the movie Hitch, where Hitch takes Eva Mendez's character to Ellis Island on their first date .


  1. How fun. New York is one of my favorite cites. You've picked all good places to visit too. I can't wait to see where you go next. :-)

  2. Oh, I hadn't even thought of all the places I'd go see! Mmm...or the food I'd eat!

  3. I'd have to go with you to BEA!

  4. I would dream the same thing, too, LOL!

  5. I've been to the statue of Liberty and Ellis Island so I've seen the NYC skyline, but not *in* the city. I really think I'd want to visit NYC and learn my way around first before making a trip to BEA -- there wouldn't be time to do all of it at one visit (unless you were there two weeks)! :-)

  6. This was fun!! And, can I just say that I just love the movie Hitch?!?! :)
