Thursday, May 27, 2010

Armchair BEA: If I was in New York today

It's hard to believe that I could feel more tired than I do tonight, but I am pretty sure I would be a bit exhausted if I was really in New York today, but need to soldier on!

If I was really in New York at BEA my morning would start at 10am with a signing by Deanna Raybourn. I have really enjoyed her Lady Julia Grey series, and I love reading her blog!

At 10.30 I would be at the Thrillers session which features the author of The Passage, Justin Cronin, and also Lee Child. I have never read Lee Child, but I recently watched an interview with him where he was very amusing and interesting to listen too, so I intend to read something from him in due course.

My next must attend event would be a signing byJennifer Donnelly at 1.30pm. There is just the one question I would want to ask her. When will The Wild Rose be published? It feels as though we have been waiting for this book forever.
I would probably then make an effort to go and see M J Rose at 3pm then. I hvent read her, but I want to.

What New York moments would I want to have today? I think it would have to be a show on Broadway. Maybe to see Jersey Boys. That sounds like a fun way to spend a Thursday night!


  1. Lee Child is one of my favorite authors. I an eagerly waiting for the public library to call me for his latest. I have read all of his previous works so I wouldn't recommend jumping into the most recent without experiencing the previous books. I am a devoted "Reacher creature". Jack Reacher is a unique character.

  2. I'm with you and Jennifer Donnelly! I want The Wild Rose, plus I want a copy of her new book that's coming out this year; Revolution. It looks SO GOOD. She's one of my very favorite authors and it always takes FOREVER for her new books to come out.

  3. Heather, I am excited at the prospect of Revolution, but it's not The Wild Rose!

    RJ, I would be starting at the beginning because I can't stand to read series out of order.
