Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Brothers of Gwynedd by Edith Pargeter

Later this month I am participating in the Sourcebooks Summer Reading Group for The Brothers of Gwynedd by Edith Pargeter. Originally there were four books released individually that formed the whole series, but Sourcebooks are rereleasing the novels as one huge edition! In order to make the discussion work better and also to make it a manageable read, we are reading each book separately, one a month, and there will be discussion each month. I am really looking forward to it, but I realised that even though I am only reading one book initially, I really needed to hurry up and start reading the book! I am glad that I have started early because the writing seems quite dense so far.

My teaser comes from page 11 - very early in the first book which was called Sunrise in the West:

By the upland road we went, turning our backs on that blessed sea that leads outward over the watery brightness to the beauteous isle of Enlli, where the saints are sleeping in bliss. We went towards the rib of Lleyn, that leads into Wales as an arm leads into the body: from rest into turmoil, from peace into conflict, from bliss into anguish.

It may well be that you will see more teasers from this book over the coming weeks. Please note that this teaser comes from an Uncorrected Advance Readers Copy so the final contents may change slightly.

Teaser Tuesday is host by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. Marg, it sounds so good. You've sparked my curiosity. I'll be looking for this book.

    Thanks for the great teaser! :)

  2. sounds like quite the challenge. I did love the language of your teaser

    Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  3. What a beautiful teaser, so lyrical. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

  4. Not for me.


  5. I am currently making my way through this book for an online book discussion group. Excellent choice for novel and teaser. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/05/teaser-tuesdays-sea-witch.html

  6. I'll be looking forward to your discussion on this book, as I know little about it, but am curious!! Thanks for sharing your teaser with us!

  7. I've had this one on my list for a couple of weeks - now I know I want to read it!
    Thanks for the review!

  8. I love it! I want to read this! Is the Sourcebooks group open to anyone? Here's my teaser for Watermark.

  9. I'll be starting this one in the next few days.

  10. What beautifully descriptive writing! I hope you enjoy the series. Fantastic teaser pick.
    My teaser is here
    Have a good week and happy reading.

  11. Yes - it does sound a bit dense!

    Here is mine

  12. What an impressive teaser! The language is gorgeous.

    Mine is here:


  13. Whew! Good luck girlie! Does sound a wee bit too descripty for me. I look forward to your thoughts on this reading journey :)
