Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Brothers of Gwynned by Edith Pargeter

I am about to do something that I don't recall doing before. I am not going to say that I have never done it, but I don't remember it. I am going to quote from the same book for two weeks running, mainly because I still am not all that far into the book.

So my teaser this week is again from the first part of The Brothers of Gwynedd which was originally published as Sunrise in the West, this time from page 107:

For these family relationships with their hates and loves were the trammel and bane of Wales as they were of the marches, and indeed, from all I could ever learn, of England and France and those troubled realms beyond the see no less. And the more the great laboured to make dynastic marriages, the more they tied their own hands, and put into other hands knives for their own backs. Their histories and ours was ever a chronicle of such expulsions and revenges, the tide of fortune flowing now this way, now that, and never safe or still.

It is likely that over the next couple of months there may be more teasers from this book. We'll see what else I am reading each Tuesday!

Please note that this teaser comes from an Uncorrected Advance Readers Copy so the final contents may change slightly.

Teaser Tuesday is host by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. Sounds interesting. Intrigue galore. Enjoy!

  2. And I am so sure I'm not going to finish this one. I really wanted to love it.

  3. Interesting teaser. Not my usual type of book.
    HERE is my teaser for this week!

  4. I like that teaser a lot - I had to read it twice to feel that I got a full understanding :)

  5. I like the "trammel and bane of Wales" descriptor.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. That sounds like a book I'd enjoy ... it also sounds large. Is it another potential Chunkster?

  7. Very interesting! Thanks for visiting Proud Book Nerd! :-)

  8. Interesting teaser! Hope you're enjoying the book =)

  9. I too am reading this book. Great teaser choice.

  10. Great teaser although I don't know if this book would be one I'd enjoy.

  11. sounds like it has lots of good information. I teased for the second week from my book to. Thanks for stopping by today.

  12. I quote from the same book all the time. But then, it takes me forever to get through most books.

  13. The more you post about this book, the more I want to read it!!

  14. Here is my teaser; http://fredasvoice.blogspot.com/2010/05/teaser_10.html

  15. I'm glad you're reading this as I am interested in this story but didn't want to commit to the read-along!

  16. Sounds complex and conflicted! I'm a recovering historian, but I don't know anything about Wales. I might have to read this... great teaser!

    If you'd like, you can check out mine here.

  17. Interesting! And very true those British Royals they never change :)

  18. Great teaser. I have two this week at The Crowded Leaf.

  19. Sounds full of intrigue. Thanks for visiting!

  20. Awesome. I want to read this. I love reading about Wales! Here's my teaser for Captivity.

  21. Enjoy your book. Thank you for stopping by my teaser.

  22. Hey! I love your blog. I'm starting this even too, next week. Well I'm following you!
    With Love and Blessings,
    Bleah Briann @ www.blonde4christ.blogspot.com

  23. looks like a lot of people are reading this one.

    Thanks so much for stopping by On the Bookcase.
    For anyone else, here's my TT!

  24. I'm going to be reading this one as well. I hope your really enjoying it. I think it's going to take me awhile to read it.

  25. Great teaser! I hadn't heard of it before, but it sounds really interesting.

  26. Sounds like a really interesting book, and I wouldn't worry about double teasing, Ive done that quite frequently :-)

    I also wanted to let you know that I have a couple of awards for you at Page Turners

  27. Great choice! I can see why you've used the same book for two weeks in a row. I bet there are pages of wonderful passages. Enjoy and have a wonderful week! :)

  28. sounds intriguing! And I love a double teaser makes me want to know more about the book considering a blogger deemed it worthy for two tantalizing teasers. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  29. Sounds like an interesting one!

  30. Sounds interesting! I hope you'll finish it! I have a few books that I haven't finished, but I'm planning to return to them when I'll be in mood for them! I'm such a mood reader :)

  31. Sounds like a very heavy book...nit something I can comprehend.

    Thx for visiting my blog :)

  32. Oh Pumpkin! My sympathies, becuase the teaser was tough for me.
    You can do it though. I know you can.
