Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Winthrop Woman by Anya Seton

I interrupt the Armchair BEA posts with regular programming!

This week my teaser for Teaser Tuesday comes from The Winthrop Woman by Anya Seton. The reason I am reading this is next month (which really isn't all that far away really) is Anya Seton Season at Historical Tapestry - giveaways, reviews and guest posts.

Before starting this I had only read Katherine, which is a fantastic book, and Dragonwyck which I liked too. I suspect that people more familiar with American history would recognise the name Winthrop in association with the Puritans, but this is all new for me.

My teaser comes from page 257:

We are but four thousand people yet, like the Israelites, and pressed like them from all sides - Sir Ferdinando Gorges' hirelings and New France on the north, across the sea our persecutors in England; to the south beyond the Dutch a Papist place called Maryland has been established. The west has cannibalistic Mohawks. Beset like this from every quarter, what hope have we but to stand close together in ourselves - with amity?

Teaser Tuesday is host by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. Oh! I have this book on my shelf and loved your teaser! I am pretty excited about it, as I loved Seton's Katherine. Great teaser!!

  2. I'll look forward to your review on this one! I love novels set in early America!

  3. I have this book in my TBR, too (with the exact same cover, by the way :-).

    'The Winthrop Woman' is actually one of my ancestors, so for purely family history reasons my mother has been urging me to read this book for years (she has a lovely old hardcover edition).

    I'm hoping to get round to it this summer, at the cottage.

  4. Not for me.


  5. I love Kathrine and have watched the 1954? I think black and white movie of Dragonwyk which i also love!

  6. Like other readers of your blog, I have loved "Katherine" so this was an especially interesting teaser - thank you for sharing


  7. Great teaser!

    I just gave you an award

  8. It's a great book. It was one of my mother's favorites when she was younger, and she was very pleased when I bought a digital copy. She may have been even more pleased to hear (after I had done much research) that we are directly descended from Emmanuel Downing and Lucy Winthrop!
