Thursday, June 03, 2010

Awesome book trailer

Wow! This is very cool! I just saw this trailer for Kate Morton's next book at Readin' and Dreamin', and really had to share, firstly because it is awesome, and secondly because I have really liked Kate Morton's books and so I am looking forward to this book!


  1. Never read her but that trailer is the best book trailer I have ever seen! I have those trailers that just have pictures floating by or worse actors that are just not quite seasoned. This one is fabulous!

  2. Okay, that is really cool. And where have I been? Your new blog design is GORGEOUS!!

  3. Not sure where you have been Carolyn! Doing authory type things I guess!

    Strlady, there are a few really good trailers out there, but there are lots of pretty average ones. I am not necessarily sold on book trailers as a concept yet.

  4. Wow! Awesome animation! :D

  5. That is a wonderful trailer!! Loved the animation, and it really makes me want to go out and get the book! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. I've just starting taking notice of book trailers. This one definitely makes me want to read the book!

  7. I've not read any of Kate Morton's books yet....though I do intend to at some point. Very nice trailer.....the 3D paper cut out reminds me of the illustrations in Boo to A Goose by Mem Fox....of my boys favourite books!

  8. That is awesome! Now I'm going to go look it up!

  9. Very awesome! Must google it right now.

  10. Wow! Great trailer! Might look for the book, is it out yet?

  11. So did I miss the name of the book?

  12. The title was there. It is called The Distant Hours.

  13. Wow! I mean, WOW! That is so cool!

  14. AMAZING! Def on the to read list now. I've been seeing more and more awesome trailers lately. Being Jamie Baker has awesome one just came out. Hopefully these are catching on!
