Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Double Teaser Tuesday

This week I thought I would share two teasers. One is from a book that I just started, and the other is from a book that I just finished, and really enjoyed.

The first teaser comes from page 138 of For the King by Catherine Delors. This book centres around a failed assassination attempt against Napoleon Bonaparte in Paris in 1800. I have to say this cover looks good, but in real life it is absolutely gorgeous, with the woman in the dress wrapping around the spine of the book. So pretty!

It is about time, Madame Coudert, for you to realize that what you want, or don't want, doesn't matter in the least." His voice was down to a hiss now. "I am asking you to something for the cause, and I fully expect you to comply."

The second teaser comes from The Shadowy Horses by Susanna Kearsley which I finished earlier today. This is the third book I have read from this author, and they have all been excellent so far, including this one!  I need to get hold of her entire back list so that I can have them here for whenever I need to fall into a book and lose myself in her world.

The teaser comes from page 242:

" Well you do choose your moments, don't you? I mean, we're practically standing on a drunken man, and my students are just round the corner, and Peter could be back at any minute..."

"Just experimenting."

Teaser Tuesday is host by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. Hey!
    Thanks for stopping by

    The second teaser really appeals to me, Im glad you posted both :) Looking through Amazon for it now :)

  2. Both of these teasers sound like they come from good books. I especially like the sound of the second one. It reminds me a bit of Diana Gabaldon, I am working my way through Dragonfly in Amber currenly. It too is pure blissful escapism.

  3. I can't imagine what sort of experimenting could involve standing on a drunkard, but I am going to have to find out!

  4. Two very good teasers!!

  5. I shall have to see if I can get a copy of For the King ...

  6. I love the teasers!!! I really love the dress for the first one, gorgeous!!!

    Here is Mine

  7. Oh, I was almost laughing at that second one! Talk about bad timing...

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. Nice teasers! Sounds interesting, both books!

    My TT is here.

  9. I loved Delors' first book, and this one sounds awesome as well. I do so hope that you enjoy it!! Happy reading!!

  10. Great teasers! Both books sound very interesting.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  11. The Shadowy Horses looks really good!

    My teasers are here:


  12. Both were decent, though I like the first teaser best and the 2nd cover best.... lol


  13. Hmm! Experimenting with what, I wonder? My teaser is from Naamah's Curse by Jacqueline Carey.

  14. I like both of those teasers! And mu curiosity is no piqued for both of those books! Thanks for stopping by today! And read The Smoke Thief one of these days!

  15. Haven't read any of Catherine Delors's books but I really need to try!

    Haven't heard of The Shadowy Horses before but it went on my wishlist.

  16. The second book looks really good - will have to check it out :)
    Thanks so much for visiting my TT!

  17. Would the experiment in the second teaser involve a kiss? Too fun.

  18. Both are good teasers! I like the cover art on the first one, but the second teaser is slightly more intriguing.

    Here are our teasers this week!

    Have a great day!

  19. These look great! Hope you will check out my teaser on My Blog too!

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Your teasers are great. For the King looks really good!

    Have a great day!

  21. Too really good teasers, Marg. I especially liked the first one!

    My post: The Heir

  22. Great Teasers! My Teaser is here.

    Happy reading. :)

    From the Shadows

  23. These both sound great! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog earlier! Here's the link to it. http://www.romancingthepage.com/2010/06/15/teaser-tuesday-june-15/

    Have a great day!

    -- Anna

  24. While reading War & Peace, I'm learning a lot about Napoleon. It's a wonder no one managed to assassinate him!

    My TT and contest link can be found HERE

  25. I like the cover of that first book too and I especially like the teaser for the The Shadowy Horses. Great choices for teasers!

  26. i liked the second teaser best. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  27. Both of them are interesting but I liked the second one better. My kind of book :)
    Here is mine


  28. I love the 1st teaser...it reminds me so much of Dr. Jonathan Crane (scarecrow) played by Cillian Murphy.

    Thank you for reading my teaser earlier

  29. they both sound good. The cover and the humor of the second really appeal to me. Thanks for stopping by today.

  30. Love both your teasers and book covers. So pretty! Thanks for visiting my teaser!

  31. Both teasers are great! For the King looks really interesting, I may have to pick that one up.

  32. I love the lady's dress on the cover of the first book! The second teaser is reeeaally funny *giggle*

    Thank you for dropping by mine!

  33. Yeowsers! Two of them :) I don't think I can say whether I prefer one over the other - each one provides a "je ne c'est quoi".

    Thanks for stopping by...

  34. For the King looks really good!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  35. Like both those, I need to get back into historical novels - good pointer there

  36. Hi Marg,

    The Shadowy Horses sounds good -and I've been following your updates on Twitter about it.

    Might have to give it a read as you've seemed to enjoy it so much.

  37. Amanda, if you enjoy a good story with a bit of romance, then I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Susanna Kearsley.

    Kaye, I just started War and Peace myself today.

    Alice, it would!

    Lady Q, I will try to fit The Smoke Thief in some time.

    Mel, I can see why you would see a comparison between Kearsley and Gabaldon, espeically if you read some of her time slip novels.

    Thanks everyone for stopping by! See you all next Teaser Tuesday.
