Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Brothers of Gwynedd by Edith Pargeter

Sorry for the radio silence this week so far. I have a house guest and so have been busy, busy, busy. I have also been starting to get some of the entries up at Australian Book Blogger Directory! Need to spend some time catching up on blog hopping later this week!

My teaser this week comes from The Brothers of Gwynedd by Edith Pargeter. I have teased from the first part, Sunrise in the West, a couple of times at the beginning of May, and now this teaser comes from the second part,  The Dragon at Noonday. I am taking four sentences from page 360:

As for thinking of what I had left behind me, or of what I had to tell, I thought not at all. I could not. Everything I had seen, and suffered, and done, was live within me, and I so full of it there was no room for thought. I lived and acted, and that was all.

Teaser Tuesday is host by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. That is one heavy teaser. I hope the book has it's lighter moments too.

  2. This sounds fantstic and I have just marked it as "to read", thanks for sharing.



  3. I agree, it is a heavy teaser but I've heard that about this one. Enjoy!

  4. Some deep contemplation going on here. It sounds like a lovely books.

  5. This book pops up on a blog almost every TT! Must be a really good read :)
    Thanks so much for visiting my TT today!

  6. That is an amazing teaser!
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you have a great day ;)

  7. You too Midnight Sapphire Books!

    Audreyscountrycrafts, it could just be that it is such a big book that it is taking everyone a long time to read it!

    Jan, it wasn't a good moment, that's for sure.

    Thanks for stopping by Amy.

    Jacinta, I have really enjoyed this second part. Struggled a bit with the first part, but now I think I have the rhythm.

    Sullivan McPig, it was pretty well balanced really!

  8. It certainly sounds like they've been through some rough times!

    My Teaser is here.

  9. Powerful Teaser! My Teaser for Captivate is here.

    Happy reading. :)

    From the Shadows

  10. Very deep...makes me want to grab the book.

    Here's mine:


  11. Great teaser! I read quite a few of her Brother Cadfael books and i really enjoyed them. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  12. Wonderful teaser! I really want to read this book!!

  13. Great teaser!

    My teaser is here.

  14. Wow, that's pretty deep! Been seeing lots of good things about this book! Here's my teaser from Dark Lover.

  15. Intense teaser! Enjoy :)

    Here is mine for this week :)


  16. Fantastic teaser!


  17. Sounds like a pretty intense scene!
    My post: Mum's The Word

  18. Interesting teaser! Any stories about Llewelyn the Last always remind me of the Madeleine l'Engle book "A Swiftly Tilting Planet," bc of the time-travel back to Wales' past.

    Here's my tt: http://www.readheadreviews.com/2010/06/08/teaser-tuesdays-6810/

  19. That´s an intense but great teaser! Thanks for visiting mine :)

  20. Great teaser~
    Some days I feel like I live and act.

    My `teaser` is up

  21. Great teaser! Stop by and check out my teaser at The Wormhole.

  22. Sounds interesting. Happy reading. Pussreboots.

  23. Beautiful teaser, I hope you'll enjoy the book.

  24. Beautiful. And thanks for visiting my teaser :)

  25. Interesting teaser. I will have to start reading the second part. I hope you're enjoying it. Thanks for visiting.

  26. There is a quote I read in a book once, don't remember where ... but I've always remembered it. "If I felt less, I could have said more."

    That seems to be the feeling your teaser is trying to convey. Nice!

    Mine's here.

  27. Thanks for coming by http://readseverything.blogspot.com/!

    Your teaser is so intense..Haven't picked up this author yet, will try to get my hands on a copy if my library has it.

  28. Love that teaser, makes me want to read this one!
