Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Currently Reading: Shadow of the King by Helen Hollick

I have just started reading Shadow of the King by Helen Hollick, which is the third book in the Pendragon's Banner trilogy - all about Arthur and Gwenhwyfar! I read and enjoyed the first two, and I am looking forward to seeing how it is all going to end in this version of the tale, although I am not sure that I am looking forward to it, if that makes any sense! Maybe I should have said I want to see how it is all going to end.

Recently Helen has announced that all of her covers have been redesigned for her new UK publisher, and I have to say, they are very good, particularly for the Sea Witch series, which is what I am planning to read next from this author!

On the left is the cover of the book I have out from the library, and below are the new covers for both series.


  1. I loved this series....really some of the best Arthurian literature out there today.

    Funny, the covers of mine look nothing like either of these. Not sure how I like the new ones?

  2. The covers look really nice :)

  3. I won this series of books over at Dar's blog and I am excited about reading it. It have read several wonderful reviews of all the books, and they look great!

  4. I read this series earlier this year and loved it. I haven't read any of Hollick's other books but I plan to. She has a great writing style. Hope you enjoy it.
