Monday, August 02, 2010

I'm a follower....

... of the Mockingjay blog tour which kicked off today at Galleysmith! There are 13 stops on the blog tour, each representing one of the districts, and each meaning that we are a couple of days closer to release date for Mockingjay! This book has been one of my most anticipated releases for months now, and I can't wait to read it.

Another bonus is that there are some new to me blogs on the tour to discover as well!

Stop 1 - August 2 - Galleysmith
Stop 2 - August 4 - Sci Fi Guy
Stop 3 - August 6 - Word for Teens
Stop 4 - August 9 - Green Bean Teen Queen
Stop 5 - August 11 - Dear Author
Stop 6 - August 13 - Hey Lady
Stop 7 - August 16 - Novel Novice
Stop 8 - August 18 - Jenn’s Bookshelves
Stop 9 - August 20 - The Compulsive Reader
Stop 10 - August 23 - Presenting Lenore
Stop 11 - August 25 - Mundie Moms
Stop 12 - August 27 - The Book Smugglers
Stop 13 - August 30 - Beth Fish Reads

Will you be following the tour?


  1. This is going to be so much fun!

  2. Oh, how cool is that?? I can't wait for Mockingjay!! I'm off to check out Galleysmith!

  3. This is so cool! I had thought that there wouldn't be any advance tours of this book coming up, and I am happy to hear that there are! I am going to have to follow as well. Thanks so much for posting this!!

  4. i pre-ordered my copy of mockingjay. couldn't help it. :P

    btw, nice makeover, marg! looks awesome!
