Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis

As I mentioned in my last post, I am currently reading To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis. I didn't realise that I was going to finish my previous book so quickly as normally I wouldn't do a Currently Reading and a Teaser Tuesday from the same book on the same day. So far though, I am having a lot of fun with this book.

My teaser comes from page109. This is exactly where I am up to in the book, so I am not sure who 'she' is, but I can't wait to find out!

She was like a delicate blossom, capable of growing only in a single time, adapted only to the select hothouse environment of the late Victorian era: the untouched flower, the blooming English rose, the angel in the house. She would be extinct in only a handful of years, replaced by the bicycling bloomer girl, the cigarette-smoking flapper and the suffragette.
Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. What lovely writing. Great teaser.

  2. Beautiful teaser :) Happy reading!

  3. Sounds like a nice quiet book for a nice summer read.

  4. Thanks for visiting. I like the word suffragette. Enjoy reading!

  5. Gautami, I believe that To Say Nothing of the Dog was inspired by that book, partially at least.

    Gramma Ann, it is actually a sci-fi/time travel novel. Just havinga quiet moment.

  6. I loved this book. She's a great writer and I've read several of her books.

  7. I like that! That's a really succint and almost wistful description of the evolution of modern women over that time period. If the rest of the book is written as well as that passage, I'd definitely read it!

  8. Oh, it's kind of sad...thinking of how the era in which the "blooming English rose" will soon be gone...

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. This teaser does pique the interest and what a fantastic book title too.

  10. Sounds like a lovely book. So glad you are enjoying it so far. I'm putting this one on the list. Here is my teaser and giveaway. Have a great week!

  11. Oh! I loved this book and thought it was such a wonderful read! Willis is a favorite of mine and has been for awhile, though there are still a few of her books that I have not read yet. Enjoy the book!

  12. It's a beautiful teaser. I hope you enjoy it.

  13. Wow, what a poetic teaser! It´s rare to find such great writing! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Eloquently said!


  15. Just the title of this book is intriguing - I shall have to look out for a copy!

  16. Great teaser.Just like my kind of read!

  17. Fabulous teaser! Can't wait for your review, I've never heard of this book before!

    My TEASER TUESDAY is from my current read of The Countess and the King by Susan Holloway Scott.

  18. What an intriguing cover and lovely excerpt. Is Connie Willis the author who wrote Doomsday Book? I am immediately going to an online bookshop to find out more about To Say Nothing Of The Dog! Thank you for the teaser, and for leaving a comment on my blog :-)

  19. Fabulous teaser! Wonderfully written. My teaser is at The Crowded Leaf.

  20. Very intriguing. I like that teaser!
    The cover caught my eye, as well.

  21. In a way it's nice that such a girl did exist at one time, but I'm really, really glad I came post-suffragette.

  22. A lovely teaser. I hope that you enjoy your book. Here's my Tuesday Teaser

  23. What an interesting teaser...I've not read this, but may have to :)


  24. A beautifully written yet sad passage. Thank you for visiting me!

  25. I read Three Men in a Boat earlier this year for the express reason that I wanted to read this one, too. I have not yet gotten to it, but I am really looking forward to it!

  26. That is a lovely teaser! And the book goes straight onto my TBL list! :)


  27. I hope she changes with the times! My teaser.

  28. Interesting teaser. The writing is very lyrical.

  29. Beautiful writing. very well chosen teaser

    thanks for dropping by on my blog

  30. Good teaser! Lovely words to get one interested.

    Thanks for visiting mine.

  31. I like that line! I look forward to hearing more about this book from you and Aarti.

  32. Thought-provoking! I like the way that's written.

    Thanks for dropping by my teaser! :)
