Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Library Loot: September 29 to October 5

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

One of the main issues facing libraries, I guess around the world, but specifically in the US, is funding cuts, and there seems to have been lots of funding cuts over the last few years in particular.

I am very lucky in that I live in an area with a growing population and factored into our infrastructure are new libraries, but that doesn't mean I can't help the spread the word for those that isn't the case for.

One of our regular participants in Library Loot is Lady Q from Let Them Read Books, and last week she share a video that her local librarians have made talking about the cuts. It's a fun and creative way of getting a point across!

As for my loot this week, I picked up a few books this week:

Ravishing in Red by Madeline Hunter - This is the first book in her current series. The third book has just come out so I really need to hurry up and catch up.

Empire of Silver by Conn Iggulden - I thoroughly enjoyed the original trilogy about Genghis Khan, so when I heard that there was going to be another book, this time about Kublai Khan I added it to my TBR list straight away.

Away with the Fairies by Kerry Greenwood - I have borrowed this book numerous times and returned it unread, but it is still something of a surprise to realise that I actually haven't read any of the books in this series yet. It's not from lack of intent!

The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker by Leanna Renee Hieber - I have heard such good things about this book.

Be sure to head over to Claire's blog to share your link to your Library Loot post.


  1. I love that video, they did a great job with it. As much budget cutting talk there's been around here lately, no one even mentions cutting back on the county library system. Thank goodness.

    Haven't done much looting lately, between Vine books, giveaway on GR and LT plus a haul at the UBS I have plenty to keep me busy :)

  2. Away with the Fairies, and Empire of Silver look like great books, and I will be eager to hear what you think of them before adding them to my ever growing list! I do hope that you enjoy all your new library books!

  3. I'm curious where you read the good things about the Percy Parker book. I don't know.. I read it and it felt like fanfiction about professor Snape and the plot seemed to just be thrown together of all sorts of mythical things and suddenly poof there was a solution.. Hm.. I'm not sure why I feel so strongly about this book, sorry.

  4. That's a great video! Love it. Looks like you got some great loot this week. (Still need to get my post up.)

  5. The Madeline Hunter was actually surprising, sometimes it felt like it was one of her oldies. In the other hand, Miss Percy was a huge disappointment. I'm curious to know your opinion.:)

  6. Thanks for sharing the videos Marg! Libraries will survive!! Long Live Public Libraries! :D

  7. I really like Phryne Fisher--I know she's a little over the top, but she can get away with it. I have one of her books sitting next to my bed and it may well be the next mystery I read. I'm not as far as you are, though, in the series.

  8. I work in a library in North Carolina and our funding is not as good as it used to be, but at least we haven't had to close libraries. I used to work in another city and they've recently closed 4 branches and laid off 100's of people.

  9. I love that video! I also like the longer version that has a segment before the song showing how crazy working in the library can be especially with the budget cuts!

  10. What a great video! I love the message and I can't help but love how wonderfully awkward it is, too :) It is sad that so many institutions are facing deep budget cute these days, but it's great that they have a good attitude about it.

    I love the cover of Away with the Fairies, from the picture it looks like something I would be into. I'll have to see if my library has it.

  11. I'm curious what you'll think of The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker. I wanted to like it, but like irisonbooks, saw too much Snape/Rickman in it.

  12. Oh Kerry Greenwood's wonderful, I hope you'll enjoy Away with the Fairies. I read the first one in the series (Cocaine Blues) earlier this year and it was amazing.

    I read mixed reviews for Percy so I'd be interested in reading your thoughts.
