Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: Song of Seduction by Carrie Lofty

My teaser this week comes from Song of Seduction by Carrie Lofty. When this book came out earlier this year I won a copy of the e-book, but I don't really like reading on the computer so it just sat on the drive. Now that I have my e-reader (have I mentioned that?) there are a few books that I am going to be able to read finally!

This book so far is very enjoyable, not least because it is set in Salzburg and features musicians rather than the usual rich society people who inhabit Regency England, and who proliferate the pages of historical romance normally.

My teaser comes from page 177 of the book, mainly because I haven't actually worked out if it is going to be possible to choose a random page in an ebook and that is where I am up to in the book!

Mathilda dropped to the ground, her knees sinking into the topmost layer of fresh snow. The rough edges of marble lightly scored the pads of her fingers as she traced his name. She had imagined remorseful tears flowing freely, but none came.
Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. Hard to tell if she loved him or not.

    Yes, eBooks don't fall open at a random page.

  2. Intriguing! Love the cover of this book!

  3. Ooooh! I like that. The cover is so pretty too.

    I didn't know if posting a random page of an ebook would work either. I have yet to get my reader, congrats on yours :)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog :)

  4. Since I got my ereader I boookmark passages that I love and choose the best one from a book for a teaser. It works well - I couldn't think of another way to do it.
    The other thing would be to stop doing teasers and start the First Line Friday meme.
    Your book sounds terrific.
    My teaser is here: Hott Books

  5. Seems like a nice book. And yes the book cover is really pretty!! :) nice nice.

  6. I like the cover, but I don't care much for romance . . . I may give this one a pass, but I like the teaser. Thanks for visiting my TT!! :D

  7. Great teaser...sounds like an interesting book - I'm going to have to check it out.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. oh that makes me sad, therefore it's a good teaser^^

    thx for stopping by and for the lovely comment =)


  9. Ohhhh :( I love the images that came to me as I read that. THanks for sharing

    Come see what Teaser I chose

  10. Wow, that is a powerful passage...thanks for visiting my blog.

    I don't know if I'll ever be convinced to buy an e-reader. I like curling up with a book!

    But anything is possible....

  11. What a moving teaser! Thanks for sharing it!

  12. What a poignant scene. Sounds like a good romance!

  13. Nope, no random pages with an e-reader. Good teaser.

  14. Great teaser! I downloaded this one, too, from NetGalley. I'll have to bump it up on my TBR list! Here's my teaser from Hunger.

  15. Sounds intriguing! And the cover is so pretty!

  16. Here's how I get random books on my e-reader :)
    First you use the 'Go To' feature, and then type in any number u currently have an affection for (say, 1330) and then pick something off that page.
    If you are reading a html book, or something where a spacebar tap gets the next page, I just randomly hold the spacebar for a few seconds and then read whatever is on that page!

    Thanks for visiting e-Volving Books

  17. Sounds like a sad scene. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  18. That's a really powerful teaser. I've never read this book, but I think I know what she means. She expected to cry, to feel something, but the tears just wouldn't come. She WANTED to cry at that moment, whether the tears would be true or fake. Maybe she's just already numb and can't make the tears flow. It's like when you want to cry but just can't. You'll have to let us know!

  19. Excellent teaser. Such a vivid scene outlined in so few words.

    My teaser is here.

  20. Great teaser - really creates an image in your mind.

  21. Great teaser. Congrats on the ereader. Carina Press have some awesome books. :)

    Thanks for visiting me.

  22. Ohhhh this so sounds like the type of book I need to get my hands on next.....

    Thanks for coming by Aisle B... I see we share a passion for romance :)

  23. great teaser, I'm intrigued although I'm not sure this is my kind of read

  24. oooh beautiful teaser! i would love to read this one too but don't have an ereader and it's not in print yet :)

  25. Thanks for stopping by, just came over to see your teaser. I like it!

  26. I enjoyed that teaser and the cover of the book is lovely.

  27. That teaser was great! I hope that you are enjoying your book!

    Thanks for checking out my teaser!

    Claire :)

  28. Carrie, I hope it comes out in print soon so you can read it, as so far it is very good.

    Aisle B, a passion for reading full stop I think, but yes, I do enjoy a good romance especially.

    Shelley, I haven't really had too much of a look at the other books from Carina, but if this is the quality of the books that they have, then I will definitely be reading more!

    Thanks for the tips Deepali!

    Laurel, I am surprised myself, but it seems to be easier to curl up, especially in cold weather. For example, if you are reading a book you hand that you hold the book in gets cold, but so does the hand that you turn the pages with. With this e-reader I can use the same hand to do both.

    Gina, I was intending to do highlight passages as I go through. Will have to do that with my next book that I read on the ereader.

    Thanks everyone for stopping by!

  29. I hadn't considered that with e-books- how are you enjoying using it?
    That teaser sounds so sad, hope things get better for the character.
