Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: Dark Road to Darjeeling by Deanna Raybourn

I am thoroughly enjoying my read of this, the fourth book in the Lady Julia Grey series of mysteries by Deanna Raybourn. I am sure that the people on the train must have been looking at me somewhat quizzically this afternoon as I was grinning madly while reading away! I am already looking forward to the next one!

My teaser comes from page 11:

Within minutes the porters had fished me out and restored me to dry land where I was both piqued and relieved to find that my little peccadillo had caused my siblings so much mirth they were clasped in each other's arms, stilll wiping their eyes.

"I hope you find it amusing when I die of some dread disease," I hissed at them, tipping the water from my hat.
Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. I am really enjoying this - am about half way through :)

  2. I have about 60 pages to go. I actually think it is going to be my favourite in the series.

  3. I am going to have to move this up on my TBR pile! Thanks for the great teaser!!

  4. I remember days like that with my siblings...My teaser is from The Prince of Tides

  5. Great teaser...I am going to have to look into this series. I love books that have me laughing!

    Here's my teaser.

  6. Nice teaser, I like books that make me laugh also.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. I love how the book sounds. Great teaser to get me intrested :)

    My teaser is from Shades Of Gray by LM Pruitt

  8. I love how the book sounds. Great teaser to get me intrested :)

    My teaser is from Shades Of Gray by LM Pruitt

  9. Great teaser. I have this one on my list. I read another of her books earlier this year and liked it.

  10. Sounds like siblings are laughing at her expense.. Hope she flipped the hat with water on them :)

    Enjoyed the teaser and have a great read :)

  11. Sounds like a great read! Love that cover, too.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  12. Wonderful teaser! Very interesting! Thanks for coming by my site earlier! Have a great day!
    The Delusional Diaries

  13. Wonderful teaser! Very interesting! Thanks for coming by my site earlier! Have a great day!
    The Delusional Diaries

  14. It reminds me of my little brother haha.

    My teaser is up at Find the Time to Read

  15. Great teaser. Love the other books in this series, can't wait to get to this one.

  16. Great teaser! I think I need to find the first book :)

  17. Haha...someone sounds peeved! Hope you're enjoying your book.

    My teaser this week is from Elizabeth Thornton's romance A BEWITCHING BRIDE. Feel free to stop by and check it out :)

  18. Sounds like a fun book. I would have had trouble not laughing aloud at such a scene, too. Enjoy the end of your book!

  19. I've got this on my wishlist.


  20. Thanks for recommending this book - the teaser sounds just perfect :) I am putting it at the top of my next-read list, for my library run.
    - Dee from e-Volving Books

  21. I really want to read this series. Great teaser! Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

  22. I've seen the book around and I have to say that the cover has not grabbed my attention, but after reading your Tease I think it sounds fantastic!
    Thanks for stopping by SunnyReads!!

  23. LOL - they're mean for laughing at her. Thanks for visiting me.

  24. Sounds like a riot, though the speaking character doesn't seem to appreciate humor at her expense. ;)

  25. Oh dear, she doesn't sound very happy! Great teaser - it made me laugh :)

  26. Ha! That line about tipping water out of her hat the end was so cute. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Ah, one of the pleasure of having siblings is laughing at them when something happens to them! Great teaser. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  28. LOL this sounds like such a fun read! I wanna know how she ended up in the water lol!

  29. nice one. I enjoyed Silent in the Grave by her. I need to pick this one up.

    Thanks for stopping by On the Bookcase.

    PS. Let me know if you want me to send you an ARC of The Distant Hours. I have two.

  30. Teaser sounds very interesting :) Thanks for stopping by on my blog~

  31. That's a great teaser, I can picture it! I think I may have the first in this series, I'll have to give it a try! Thanks for stopping by my teaser today!

  32. Great teaser! I really should try the series :) Happy reading!

  33. Great Teaser! And I love the cover :)
