Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Sharing Knife: Horizon by Lois McMaster Bujold

My teaser this week comes from The Sharing Knife: Horizon, which is the fourth book in the very enjoyable Sharing Knife series by Lois McMaster Bujold.

The teaser comes from page 89:
It had been so swift, Dag was barely certain what he'd sensed, but he dutifully positioned the halves on the table in front of him, edged them together the best he could, extended his ghost hand, closed his eyes, and found that strange level of perception, down and in, that he had first discovered while healing Hod. Paper, it seemed, was much like felted cloth, a mass of tiny threads all matted together - torn away from one another, now

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. "Ghost hand"? That certainly sounds interesting.

  2. You're reminding me that I need to get back to this series! Love Dag and Fawn.

  3. I don't know this series - it looks intriguing. I'll have to find the first book.

  4. My fav part: aper, it seemed, was much like felted cloth, a mass of tiny threads all matted together - torn away from one another, now...

    Sounds interesting although its not my prefered genre:)

  5. I'd never heard of this author before.... very mysterious teaser!

  6. That cover is a throw back to classic fantasy but wait is this a wild old west story??

    Going to investigate now.

    Mine is lycanthropes in love from Linger

    Aisle B http://aisleb.tumblr.com/post/1405633756/teaser-tuesday

  7. Like your teaser :)

    Have only read one Lois McMaster Bujold book - Falling Free. I enjoyed that - must look some more of her books up

  8. ooohh, theres a lot wrapped up in that teaser! Looks like a good read, hope you're enjoying it!

  9. He has a ghost hand? That sounds interesing. I haven't heard of the series- I'm guessing it's a type of fantasy series?

  10. I'm mesmerized by the ghost hand, might have to read this one just to find out what that's all about! :D

    Here's ours for the week.

  11. I've never heard of this series but that sounds interesting!
    My teaser this week is from Five Flavors of Dumb

  12. Great teaser this week. It's definitely sparked my interest :)

    The Bookish Snob - Shades of Desire by LM Pruitt

  13. Nice teaser! I’m definitely curious about this one now.

  14. Intriguing! Definitely looks like a good read!

  15. Sounds fantastic!


  16. This is a great teaser .. really makes you want to know more!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  17. Great teaser! I hope you enjoy the book!

  18. Ooh very interesting! Nice teaser. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

  19. Is he psychicly ripping a piece of paper? Too cool.

  20. Magically spiritual...ethereal. Now I'm very curious as to what comes next.

    Here's mine:

    Click my name....

  21. I haven't heard of this series but I'll be adding it to the list!

  22. Lois is one of my fav authors - her books are pretty fantastic, especially the Vorkosigan saga and the more recent stuff...I think I ve read the first two in this series that you are reading, but had no idea a fourth was even.
    Thanks for the teaser!
    - Dee, from e-Volving Books

  23. Sounds like a great series - one I haven't heard of before!

  24. Not familiar with author or series, but it is an intriguing teaser. Thanks for visiting!

  25. Bujold is such a master storyteller! Great teaser!

  26. I haven't heard of this series yet, but it looks interesting. Great teaser.

  27. I like it, shows real promise!

  28. Bujold is a wonderful writer! Great teaser choice. :)

  29. I enjoyed the Sharing Knife books and just met Bujold last night at a book signing for her latest Vorkosigan book, CryoBurn. She is lovely & I'll have some videos and a photo posted Thursday. :)

    Violet @ The Eager Readers

  30. Oh, how cool that you got to meet Lois McMaster Bujold Violet. I am debating whether I should start the Vorkosigan series or not at the moment.

    Actually Alice, he is psychically putting it back together again! Even cooler!

    Samstillreading, yes it is a fantasy series.

    Aisle B, definitely a fantasy read, not wild west, although I guess in some ways there are some elements that could be seen to be country.

    Dag and Fawn are great characters aren't they Renee.

    Thanks to everyone for stopping by!
