Sunday, October 03, 2010

TSS: September Reading Reflections

It feels as though I only just did one of these posts, but I suspect that has something to do with the fact that I was very late doing my August reads!

This month I didn't do too badly reading wise, but to be honest it doesn't matter all that much because my reading highlight for September was definitely buying my e-reader, which I am absolutely loving so far!

The books I did read during the month were:

The Miracles of Prato: A Novel by Laurie Albanese and Laura Morowitz 4/5
Frostbitten by Kelley Armstrong 4/5
Waking the Witch by Kelley Armstrong 4/5
The Countess and the King by Susan Holloway Scott 4.5/5
The Various Flavors of Coffee by Anthony Capella 3.5/5
Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett 4.5/5
An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon 4/5
Real Men Last All Night Anthology 4/5
Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas 4/5
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins 4/5
Serpent in the Thorns by Jeri Westerson 3.5/5
Song of Seduction by Carrie Lofty 4.5/5

The Miracles of Prato was my September read for the Year of the Historical challenge.This was also the last book that I needed to read to complete the 100+ Reading Challenge for this year! I have now read 79 books out the 100 required to complete the level that I said I would read for the Support Your Local Library Challenge.

Frostbitten, Waking the Witch, Wyrd Sisters and Serpent in the Thorns all count as my reads for the RIP challenge. That means I have actually read the number of books required to complete the challenge, but I will put up a post at the end of the month that includes all the books that fit the challenge, assuming that I read more!

 Now if I could only make some progress in the other challenges that I have signed up for.


  1. Have just started Mockingjay - only in the first bit but has already sucked me in :)

  2. Interesting spam you have there Marg!

    Glad you are loving your reader - me too. I am surprised how much I have taken to the format and don't miss paper books at all. I just wish I read more fantasy and romance books which seem to be the best represented genres - then again it might be a good thing I don't because I'd be buying like crazy :)

  3. I have a hard time finishing my challenges. I'm actually considering abandoning most of them, but I am not quite ready to do that yet. Maybe I should do as you did with the RIP challenge, focus on one challenge at a time?

  4. Good month of reading! I feel ya on the challenges; I have one that I can't seem to complete. Not sure what I'm going to do about that one but I've still got some time so I'm hopeful.

  5. Glad u r enjoying your eReader. I love gadgets so of course an eReader is a must..LOL

    The RIP V challenge is one of my favorites....have fun with your challenges.

  6. I'm rather wary of the ereaders,like to hear your thoughts.:)
    Bit of a strange Sept for me ,busy job hunting and doing career info course.

  7. You had a prolific reading month. And I'm glad you're still loving your e-reader.

  8. Well done on completing the 100+ Marg. We must be reading at about the same rate. I'm not sure I could pick out my library books though - why is it that whatever records you keep, you always miss something?

  9. I really, really, really want a Nook! I'm so jealous that you have an e-reader!! :)

  10. I read my first ebook on my iPad! I still feel like I should read the books stacked up on my floor before buying more ebooks, tho.
    Congrats on all those challenges!

  11. You did have a great reading month and made great progress on your challenges too!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm happy to see that you enjoy THE ECHO IN THE BONE, and I've not even read it yet. I'm still right smack in the middle of 200+pages of A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES and not even done reading it. I guess now is the time to finish it so that I can jump to ECHO... :) Happy Reading! :)
