Saturday, October 30, 2010

Weekend Cooking: Jamie Oliver's Baked French Potatoes

For last week's weekend cooking post I mentioned that I was going to a slow cooker dinner party, and that one of the side dishes we were going to be having was Jamie Oliver's Baked French Potatoes. A couple of people mentioned that they would like this recipe so I am obliging this week.

Whilst I don't eat potatoes anywhere near as often as I used to, they are very much comfort food. Growing up, we used to have mashed potatoes practically every night (sausages, mashed potatoes and peas is my mother's idea of a good meal, and we used to have that at least 3 times a week. On the other nights we might have chops, mashed potatoes and peas, or pie, mashed potatoes and peas. I am sure you are getting the general idea). These days I like to find potato recipe ideas, and I do love these layered potato dishes although the creamy ones are a little bit too high fat. I have no idea how this one works out, but there's no added milk or cream so I am going with it being a better option!

Jamie Oliver's Baked French Potatoes

 • 800g potatoes

• 400g medium onions

• 3 cloves of garlic

• a small bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley

• olive oil

• sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

• 1 chicken or vegetable stock cube, preferably organic

• 2 knobs of butter .
Preheat your oven to 200°C/400°F/gas 6. Peel and finely slice the potatoes. Peel, halve and finely slice the onions and garlic. Pick and finely chop the parsley leaves, discard the stalks

Pour a couple of lugs of olive oil into a large, hot pan with the garlic, parsley and onions. Slowly fry for 10 minutes, or until the onions are soft and lightly golden. Take off the heat and add a good pinch of salt and pepper

Mix the stock cube with 850ml of boiling water

In a large baking dish place a layer of potatoes, a sprinkling of salt and pepper, and a layer of onions. Continue, repeating until you’ve used everything up, but try to finish with a layer of potatoes on top. Pour in the hot stock to just cover the top of the potatoes. Break up the butter and dot over the top

Rub some foil with olive oil, place it, oil-side down, over the dish and seal tightly. Place in the preheated oven for 45 minutes, then remove the foil, push the potatoes down and return to the oven for a further 20 to 40 minutes, or until golden and crisp.


You can see a step by step version of this recipe with pictures every step of the way at Jamie Oliver's website. I originally found it in Jamie's Ministry of Food cookbook. One of these days I will write more about this cookbook and the accompanying TV series in a Weekend Cooking post.

And just because I can, here we all are, about to tuck into dinner last Saturday night.

I am not entirely sure why, but we spent the whole night exclaiming OMG and bursting into the Usher song! A lot of chatting, a few drinks, good friends, and food. Sounds like a recipe for a good night, and it was!

Weekend Cooking is hosted by Beth Fish Reads and is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, fabulous quotations, photographs.


  1. LOL Marg, my mum and yours must have taken similar cooking classes :) I haven't eaten a pea since I left home at 17!

    And I agree those potatoes are yummy - I have the same book which came as a gift with a CD of music to cook by but it doesn't have that song on it :)

  2. Maybe! I never serve my son up sausages, mashed potatoes and peas. One time when she was over I was out, and she made it, and she was so proud that he "wolfed it down". Still not going to appear in our menu anytime soon.

    This song isn't so much to cook to as to dance around the lounge room and be silly to!

  3. This sounds delicious! I bet it's the combination of olive oil and onions that creams this up.

  4. Love this recipe. Yummmmmmm. Thanks for sharing it. Simple and good.

    Love the video -- nice eye candy and fun way to feel energized.

  5. The potato dish sounds delicious, and the dinner party looks fabulous - what a nice group of grinning faces!

    I have SO MANY potatoes from our CSA, and have been roasting them with olive oil and salt/pepper. My kids will probably never want that dish when they're out on their own :)

  6. The potatoes sound super yummy, no wonder, it's Jamie Oliver. Thanks, I will def. give them a try.

  7. I love that idea for a party! Sounds like you all had a great time.

    I'm excited for this potato recipe! I, too, like those creamy potato dishes, but I can't eat that much dairy at once without getting sick. Jamie Oliver's recipe seems like it would work for me!

  8. I've fixed potatoes in a variety of formats but this one is new to me. It definitely appeals. I like the combination of ingredients. I like the picture. Looks like a lovely group of young women having fun being together.

  9. i have Jamie's Food Revolution from my library right now and am trying several of the recipes. So far so good.

  10. Oh these potatoes look so good! I am crazy about potatoes, and the only thing I like better is bread. I am going to have to give this recipe a try soon, so thanks for posting it!
