Monday, December 20, 2010

Currently Reading: The Distant Hours by Kate Morton

I read Kate Morton's last two books a couple of years ago, and so it feels like I have been waiting quite a while to read The Distant Hours! I knew I wanted to read it before I saw this trailer, but after I saw it, I wanted the book much, much more! Such a clever trailer, and it definitely plays up the gothic angle of the book!

And yes, I have posted it on my blog before, but it is so good it is worth posting again:

As an interesting counter, this is the Australian trailer for the book. Whilst it is much more...unexciting... than the other trailer, it does tell you more about what the book is about, and you hear Kate Morton talking about how the book came to her!


  1. I really, really want to read this book now! I know it's under my Christmas tree...

  2. I just bought this book. I can't wait to start reading!!

  3. OOh, I hope you are enjoying it and I can't wait to hear what you think!!

  4. I finished The Distant Hours about a week ago, and found it pretty memorable. I wasn't so taken with it though until the end, when everything came together, and then I was very impressed!

  5. I won this in a blog giveaway and plan to read it over the holidays...can't wait! And thanks for the trailers!

  6. What a cool trailer! I don't know why I never check any out some are really well done. I just read The House at Riverton earlier this month but I'm already looking forward to reading more by her. Really enjoyed that book.

  7. I just read this book this week and loved it! I can't wait to read her other two books - hope you enjoy it. (Watch out for the Mud Man!)

  8. Second post about this I seen today. I have the ARC and **must** read it soon. I love the US trailer, but the Aussie trailer is interesting and this is the first I've seen it.

  9. I am looking forward to this book. I am getting it for Christmas.

  10. I read this a few weeks ago and liked it. Enjoy!

  11. I really enjoyed The Distant Hours. I hope you do, too!

  12. I used to be a bit skeptical when it came to book trailers but I've seen quite a few great ones lately (like these) so I'm really starting to appreciate their value.

  13. I am really excited to read this book. I have really loved her last two works. I am looking forward to reading your review! Thanks for the two trailer and interview too! :)
