Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Library Loot: December 7 to 13

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

Claire has Mr Linky this week, so be sure to head over and to share you links!

I was looking at my challenges for this year, and had a sudden realisation. I have basically read nothing for any of my perpetual challenges like The Complete Booker, The Orange Prize Project and The Putlitzer Project. I think I have read one book that was longlisted for The Orange Prize Project, but I didn't actually realise that until months after I read it! So this week my loot is heavy on books that have been listed for a prize!

Here's the loot I got:

Second Chance Pass by Robyn Carr - Okay, so this one isn't a major prize nominated book, but I just read the third and fourth books in the series, and have to keep reading!

Started Early Took the Dog by Kate Atkinson - Oh, and neither is this one, but the next one is I promise!

The Betrayal by Helen Dunmore - I read the prequel to this book, The Siege, a few years ago. I was kind of underwhelmeed by it, but this one was long listed for the Booker this year. I still have a real fondness for boosk set in Russia, so I hope I like it.

Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey - This book was short listed for the Miles Franklin Award (which is an Australian literary award)

Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout - Pulitzer Prize winner!


  1. That's a nice selection of books! It's funny how these challenges can disappear in the back ground and then suddenly you realise, there are more books that need reading!

    Have fun, they all look good.

  2. So jealous of the Kate Atkinson. That's one of the books I had to cancel my holds on in preparation for my move.

  3. I will be interested to hear what you think of the Kate Atkinson, as I have been kind of curious about that one. Also, I have Olive Kitteridge on my shelf as well, and must make time for it!!

  4. Olive Kitteridge is on my tbr list. Enjoy your loot!

  5. Looks like some good stuff. As a public librarian, it's so cool to see people enjoying their library loot. Thanks for supporting libraries.

  6. I have owned Olive Kitteridge for a while now but have yet to read it! I guess I should do so. A lovely selection of loot for this week!

  7. Great selection of books. I read Olive Kitteridge and liked it.

  8. I've heard wonderful things about Jasper Jones. Do let me know what you think of it!

  9. Ohh I LOVE the Virgin River series! So excited that Netgalley has the next two books posted! :D Hope you enjoy all your loot!

  10. Oh, I've been waiting to get my hands on that Kate Atkinson novel! (Must admit that while I adore the Jackson Brodie series, Human Croquet is still my favorite of all her novels).

  11. The Betrayal and Olive Kitteridge sound great. I've only read one Kate Atkinson and found it okay, perhaps I should check out another one.

  12. Oh, these look good. Enjoy Olive!

  13. Pam, Linda and Darlene, Olive seems to be a very popular choice!

    Sam, I have only read her Jackson Brodie books, not any of her other books. I do like those one though.

    Lynn, Human Croquet is one I haven't read!

    Mollie, I did see that Netgalley had those books posted, but didn't request them yet because I am only up to book 6. I have however read four in the last month, so maybe I should just request them!

    Stephanie, there has been lots of good press about Jasper Jones!

    Thanks Erin!

    Dave and Tami, it is my pleasure!

    Zibilee have you read the other books in the Atkinson series?

    Claire, hopefully your new library system will be great and you will be able to request it again!

    Leeswammes, there are always new books that need reading!
