Monday, January 31, 2011

Mailbox Monday: January acquisitions

I'd like to think that I am being a little restrained when it comes to new acquisitions, but I think that I may be a bit delusional. Here are the books that I aquired during January:

Ekaterinburg by Helen Rappaport  - It's been quite a few years since I read something about the Romanovs. Lisa from ANZ Litlovers was kind enough to send this one my way.

Queenmaker, Wisdom's Daughter and Delilah by India Edghill - Won from

I am the Chosen King by Helen Hollick (for review) - Have enjoyed all the other books I have read from Helen Hollick so looking forward to this one!

Staying at Daisy's by Jill Mansell (for review) - It has been far too long since I read a book by Jill Mansell.

Pale Rose of England by Sandra Worth (from the author)

The Warrior's Apprentice and The Mountains of Mourning by Lois McMaster Bujold - Having finished the Sharing Knife series a while ago, I wanted to read more and was planning to start the Miles Vorkosigan series. I think these are the first two books although it is a bit unclear from what I can tell.

Forgotten by Cat Patrick - this was a lovely surprise when I met a friend for coffee not too long ago.

The Tudor Secret by C W Gortner (from the author) - so pleased to get hold of this book!

Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran (from the author) - Yay! New Michelle Moran.

Secret of the Sands by Sara Sheridan (from the author)

The Vampire Voss by Colleen Gleason
- I was very restrained this month and this is the only book that I requested from Netgalley!

Mailbox Monday is on tour and for January it is being hosted at Rose City Reader. Head over there to share your links, or to see what everyone else has posted about this week.


  1. Wow, what a great haul! All of those look interesting.
    I'd like to say I've been restrained, but the truth is my bookshelves are completely full. No room until I finish a lot of books!

  2. I got The Warrior's Apprentice thinking it was the place to start too. Then someone suggested you could read Shards of Honor and Barrayar and that those would make things clearer. So now I'm not sure what to do. LOL.

  3. Cath, I am having that same trouble! I really don't want to read the series out of order, but finding out what the order is isn't as easy as it should be!

    Sam, I have piles of books everywhere! Need to clear some shelves too.

  4. What a great collection you have today! It would be impossible to pick a favorite...hope you enjoy them all.


  5. I desperately want to read more Tudor books so I am noting Sandra Worth down right now (I already have Gortner on my list). Interested to hear about it once you've read it!

  6. Hope you enjoy all those great books. I have the Gornter and Mansell books also.

  7. I am so envious of your mailbox right now! I love the books you got and really want to get some of them for myself! A few I already have (Queenmaker, and Wisdom's Daughter) but a lot of them are new to me and are going on my list!

  8. here's mine

  9. For the completist, Shards of Honor is the place to start The Vorkosigan series. It and its sequel, Barrayar, feature Miles' parents and they are available as an omnibus edition called Cordelia's Honor.

    The Warrior's Apprentice is also a good place to start as it is the first book about Miles. However, as someone who adores Miles' parents as well as Miles, I do recommend the other two books as well.

    The Mountains of Mourning is a short story that takes place when Miles is still quite young (although after The Warrior's Apprentice) and is a good introduction of Miles.

    I'm a huge Vorkosigan fan and happy to supply (my own personal) reading order if you're interested.


  10. What a great list. Hope you enjoy them all!

  11. Some excellent books this month. I enjoyed The Tudor Secret and I can't wait to read Madame Tussaud --- love Michelle Moran's writing!

  12. Awesome win on the India Edghill books. Can't wait for your reviews on Madame Tussaud, Tudor Secret, Pale Rose and I am the Chosen King. All of these are on my WL :)

  13. oohh, I didn't see The Vampire Voss on NetGalley. Off to get it now! Gorgeous Mailbox! I'm jealous of many. But I do have Madame Tussaud nearing the top of my TBR pile :) Thanks for stopping by today!

  14. Miles Vorkosigan is my favorite sci-fi hero. I have read them all, and bought most of the later ones in hardback (and I never buy hardbacks). The humor is subtle and endearing. You won't look back if you start this series.

  15. A new C.W. Gortner book? Oh man, I must get my hands on that!

    Enjoy your new books.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. What a wonderful mailbox! I've got both Queenmaker and Delilah on my wish list, and I love the cover of The Secret of the Sands! I've just started The Tudor Secret and like it so far. :)

  18. Amazing mailbox. The best of chick lit and historical fiction!!!! enjoy.

  19. I have the Jill Mansell and Michelle Moran books, too. Can't wait to read them. Enjoy!

  20. I'm just about to start the Miles Vorkosigan series too. I picked up Young Miles, which has The Warrior's Apprentice and The Vor Game published together. I've read one story about him a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I love the Chalion books by her very much, so I'm hoping this will be lovely reading too. I look forward to your reviews, Marg!
