Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Anna by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

I actually teased from this book a few months ago, and even at that time it was overdue. I had a plan though. I would return the book first thing in the morning, request it as soon as it was checked in again, and then I would be able to pick up that night, and keep reading.

It didn't quite work out that way as when the book was checked in, the librarian put it into mending, and then they deleted it from the catalogue altogether along with the other two book in the trilogy, so then I had to request the book via inter library loan.

Now, the book was due back yesterday, but there is no way that I am returning it until I have finished it!

My teaser comes from page 231:

Papa thinks Napoleon is the enemy of civilisation, and that he must be defeated sooner or later. He thinks what happens in Europe does matter, and that we should resist it: and that the treaty solves nothing, only pushes the problem under the carpet.
Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. This doesn't sound like one I would like, but my husband might.

    Here's our teasers if you get a chance to stop by:

  2. Haha, sounds like you've got to go through a lot to get this one read! It'd better be good to be worth all the trouble! :)

    Here's our teaser.

  3. Goodness, what effort for one silly book! Hoe it's a super one for your troubles. :O)

  4. Pam, unfortunately I find it very difficult to start a book and then not finish it.

    Madeleine, I hope so!

    Karen and Gerard, actually it's a bit juicy old fashioned saga, so probably not quite one for the hubby!

  5. I rarely pick up this kind of book but when I do I enjoy them. I probably should make the effort to start them more often....

    My teaser is here at Carole Finds Her Wings: http://wp.me/pXuHW-9Z

  6. I enjoy historical novels too. Nice tease. Here's mine.

  7. That novel sounds interesting! Historical fiction is one of my favourite genres. :P Also really like the teaser. :)

  8. Happy Tuesday! Thank you for dropping by my blog :D

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  9. Hope you get to finish it! You can find my FEVERED teaser at The Bookish Snob

  10. Love the teaser, and I also love the cover of this book. I hope you enjoy it!

  11. There are some books worth risking those fines for! Hope you enjoy this; it sounds intriguing.

    Here's mine:

    (click on my name)

  12. I would pick up a book like this occasionally - is it anything like Conan Iggulden's books?

    Thanks for visiting my Diana Wynn Jones teaser at e-Volving Books

  13. An intriguing teaser--thanks for visiting!

  14. Great teaser...it says a lot about the character "speaking" and sets up some interesting future occurrences. I'm definitely going to look up this book!

    Thanks for a great teaser!
    ~ Amy

  15. Sounds like he is right!


  16. Interesting teaser, I'm with you on keeping it until it's done, what's a slightly higher fine in the face of finally finishing the book! Thanks for dropping by Calico Contemplations.

  17. It would be one thing if it went out to another reader first, but to take it out of circulation entirely? No fair!

  18. You having me searching though a book catalog for another novel based on Napoleon's lovers, Marq. No luck, but will keep looking and put "Anna" on my list. I'm a recent convert to historical fiction--love reading a story in the context of a certain interesting period in history.

    Thanks for checking out my post on Swedish crime writer Henning Mankell's "Man from Beijing" at Summit Musings .

    BTW, really like your blog header--great subject and tones.

  19. LOL - I love the story behind you reading this book. Thanks for visiting me.

  20. Faye, oh a recent convert to Historical Fiction - lucky you! HF is my favourite genre. You might want to check out Historical Tapestry which is a HF focussed blog that I am part of. Are the books you are thinking of Sandra Gulland's Josephine B trilogy?

    Alice, that's what I thought! To take it out of circulation when someone has requested it seems a bit odd to me!

    Deepali, it's different from Conn Iggulden in that the main character is a female, an English girl who finds herself living in Russia.

    Majanka and Book Bird Dog, HF is my favourite genre too.

    Thanks for visiting my teaser everyone.

  21. Napoleon was an enemy to traditional civilization, for sure -- but despite his greed, I'd say his reign profited Europe on the whole. He spread a slightly fairer law code, at any rate.

  22. I love history though I haven't read any historical fiction in awhile especially regarding Napoleon which is one of my faves.

    My Teaser Tuesday

  23. interesting! Thanks for stopping by!

    Katie @ Novel Society

  24. "Now, the book was due back yesterday, but there is no way that I am returning it until I have finished it!"

    Wow! Can't get a better recommendation than that!

  25. Sounds like a book I might have a hard time getting through but very interesting.

  26. This Papa sounds like a nice man

  27. I had the exact same situation with a book that I had out from the library. Luckily, I ended up returning it this evening. Great teaser!

  28. I've only read the Morland Dynasty - think I should look into this too.

  29. Wow, what a history you have with this book! :D Fun teaser...

  30. Sounds like a great historical novel! Happy reading!
