Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sydney, here I come!

I have finally filled in my Australian Romance Readers Convention registration, and made the payment! Hotel room is booked, just have to book the flights, and work out where I am going to start the night before ARRC starts and I will be all done!

Can't wait!


  1. I am sooooo jealous. Have fun and take plenty of pictures! Having just moved to Bendigo (last week), I think it's probably out of my budget this year. :S

  2. I hope you have a wonderful time!

  3. Enjoy! Nothing like spending time with lots of people who understand this reading addiction we all share!

  4. What a neat adventure you are going to have! Have fun out there!

  5. Woo hoo! I hope you enjoy Sydney. I am a Sydney native, so if you need any recommendations for good bookshops to explore while you are here, just let me know!

  6. That sounds like a ton of fun - good for you!

  7. WOw -- hope you have a fabulous time.

  8. Sounds great, hope you have an awesome time!

  9. Excellent! I have yet to round up enough money to go, but I am willing to sell some organs if needs be LOL I'll see you there!

  10. Have an awesome time and we expect a nice report. Not full, just whatever you can manage. And some photos too :) congrats!
