Sunday, December 04, 2011

Sunday Salon: November Reading Resolutions

It's December! How has that happened so quickly? Where has the year gone? It's time to start thinking about best of lists, analysing the stats for the year and thinking about blogging goals for 2012, but first my reading wrap up for November!

November was another good reading month for me with a total of 25 books read. You might notice a heavy concentration of Kelly Hunter romances. I really went on a glom, and I don't think it is really over just yet. There are still some more of her books that I am planning to read at some point Not many books were reviewed although there are a couple written that will be posted this month. Here's what I read this month:

Coming Home by Mariah Stewart 4/5
Affinity by Sarah Waters 4/5
Hidden Summit Robyn Carr 4/5
Wish: A Novella by Kelly Hunter 4/5
The Next Always by Nora Roberts 3.5/5
Jamie's Great Britain by Jamie Oliver 4.5/5
You are my Only by Beth Kephart 4/5
Bedded for Diamonds by Kelly Hunter 4/5
The Maverick's Greek Island Mistress by Kelly Hunter 4/5
Untameable Rogue by Kelly Hunter 4/5
Her Singapore Fling by Kelly Hunter 4/5
The Man She Loves to Hate by Kelly Hunter 4/5
Notorious Pleasures by Elizabeth Hoyt 4/5
Lady Sophie's Christmas Wish by Grace Burrowes 4/5
Kommandant's Girl by Pam Jenoff 4/5
The Legacy by Katherine Webb 4/5
Soulless by Gail Carriger 3.5/5
Touch of Power by Maria V Snyder 3.5/5
The Personal History of Rachel DuPree by Ann Weisgarber 4.5
Busted in Bollywood by Nicola Marsh 4/5
Curse Not the King by Evelyn Anthony 4/5
India Black and the Widow of Windsor by Carol K Carr 4/5
To Sin with a Stranger by Kathryn Caskie 3.5/5
Where She Went by Gayle Forman 4.5/5
Camp Nine by Vivienne Schiffer 4.5/5

I know that I posted about my challenges for 2012 last week, but this week I also found out about the Australian Women Writers Challenge. Whilst it kind of overlaps the Aussie Author's Challenge, I also really want to do what I can to support Australian Women Writers so this was one that I had to join up for. Here are the details:

Challenge period: 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2012

Goal: Read and review books written by Australian women writers – hard copies, ebooks and audiobooks, new, borrowed or stumbled upon by book-crossing.

Genre challenges:
Purist: one genre only
Dabbler: more than one genre
Devoted eclectic: as many genres as you can find

Challenge levels:
Stella (read 3 and review at least 2 books)
Miles (read 6 and review at least 3*
Franklin-fantastic (read 10 and review at least 4 books)*
* The higher levels should include at least one substantial length review

I am going to be Devoted eclectic Franklin-fantastic!

There are lots of other details of other options on the challenge page so check it out if you might be interested.


  1. 25 books! I usually read an average of 7 books a month. This Nomveber I managed to finish 2 books - and one of those I started in October. Oh well.

    As for challenges, I am giving them a miss next year, but I have to admit that the only one I am interested in is the Australian Women's Writer challenging. I might try and unofficially participate if I can.

    Good luck with your attempt to finish it!

  2. Wow, great month! I've read a fair bit (flying will do that to you) but am even further behind with reviews. Well done :)

  3. Wow. You had an awesome November!

  4. Fantastic November, Marg! Mine was a bit slow, but I'm hoping to make up for it in December. I need to, if I want to complete my Outdo Yourself Challenge.

  5. Wow! You did read a heck of a lot, and I am really amazed and envious! I wish that I had read half that much, but for some reason, my reading has been stagnant for the past few months. I blame it on all the other stuff that's going on. I hope to do better, and catch up to you soon though!

  6. Glad to see you are doing the challenge too. Good book haul for the month. I am as ever, envious.

  7. You had a great reading month! I hope December goes just as great. November was a slow month but I need December to be much better since I go back to school in January. Have a great week.

  8. Your reading month seems to be the opposite of mine. I can't wait to get a lot done in December. I hope your fabulous streak continues and good luck on your 2012 challenges.

  9. Interesting books. Of your list, I have only read Affinity by Sarah Waters and agree that it is a good book.

    Enjoy December - hope you get plenty of sunshine. It's freezing here in London.

  10. Wow, you had a great reading month. I am jealous! Mine was terrible!
