Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Lost and Found by Marilyn Harris

Not too long ago a couple of my Goodreads pals were reading the Eden series by this author, and they were all raving about them. My library didn't have any of Marilyn Harris' books at all, and even through inter-library loan there are only a couple of her books available, and only one of the series (and it isn't the first one in the series) and so I decided that I would start with this book from her.

The teaser comes from page 74:

She looked back to see Harold Shoda still staring at her as though she'd grown another head. "Are you coming?"

"Why, yes," he muttered, and took his troubled expression all the way to the door, where he extended a hand to the county coroner, a rail-thin man with a small black bag.

"Mr Dixon," he said, and introduced him to Florence, who assumed the pose and posture of the grieving widow and thrust her handkerchief to her lips, though truth be known she was thinking less about poor Stanley and more about poor Florence....

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in! 


  1. I like the sound of this... what classic cover art.

  2. It's actually very representative of the beginning of the book!

  3. The teasers and cover are interesting and quaint. It sounds good to me.

  4. I too like the cover -- it looks like something I'd like. Now to see if I'll have better luck finding the first book in the series.

  5. This sounds like something I would like. Thanks for sharing. If you get a chance, my teaser is here.

  6. This teaser grabs my attention, and makes me want to check this one out when I can. It will be interesting to see your final thoughts!

  7. Sounds like an interesting read. Love the classic cover art! My teaser: Mrs. Miracle

  8. Great teaser. This is my first time seeing this book.
    I love the pic in your banner.
    My Tuesday Teaser

  9. I loved this teaser and what a cool cover!
