Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Rocks in the Belly by Jon Bauer

One of the good things about being in a book club is that you some times step outside of your comfort zone and either start, or have to keep, reading something that you wouldn't normally read. That is definitely the case when it comes to this book which is my December book club read.

The teaser comes from very early in the book and I liked it instantly because having lived overseas for an extended period of time I can definitely testify to the intrinsic truth of the statement (not that I tried to disavow myself entirely of my past). The teaser comes from page 1:

But I can still feel it, despite moving overseas, disavowing myself entirely of my past. It doesn't matter where you go, or what you do with your feelings, your truth lies in wait.
Having read some more of the book I am not sure that I really want to be able to empathise with the main character but I had no idea of that when I chose this teaser!

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in! 


  1. Nice teaser!

    Check out my teaser!

  2. I haven't heard of this book. Good teaser though.

    Here’s My Teaser

  3. That's a great teaser! And I agree 100% with what you wrote about book clubs. That is exactly what my book club members have said time and again.

    My teaser is here, if you want to take a look: http://abookblogofonesown.blogspot.com/2011/12/teaser-tuesday-6122011.html

  4. Great choice of teaser! Sounds interesting, thanks for sharing.

    Here's my TT:


  5. That's a very wise teaser. Thanks for visiting mine :)

  6. It's true you can't hide from yourself. Here's my TT

  7. You can never truly run away from yourself, no matter how far you go, you're still you. Great teaser. Thanks for sharing. If you get a chance, my teaser is here.

  8. I too have had the experience of living out of my home country for three years. Found that I either romanticized my past or tried to blend in with the new culture. Neither totally a good idea.

    My TT main character is also one who is forced to live out of his own country. Diana Gabaldon's latest Lord John Grey/Jamie Fraser novel "The Scottish Prisoner". Summit Musings

  9. The title and the teaser have gotten me more than intrigued! I am off to find out more about this book, Marg. Thanks!

  10. I think that is true of moving anywhere. So many people think they can scape their past by moving to a new city or new state - but sooner or later the past catches up with you.

    Thanks for visiting!

  11. An interesting teaser.

