Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Discovery of Witches giveaway winner

I must start by apologising for the delay in announcing the winner of the Discovery of Witches giveaway. I had to travel interstate unexpectedly and so I had limited internet access through my phone and I wasn't going to try writing long blog posts on that! I arrived home at 3am this morning and had to go to work, so I am literally posting this and then going to bed to try to sleep.

Without further delay.....

I used a random number generator to determine the winner, and the person whose number came up is

Aarti from Booklust

I will be in contact with you shortly Aarti. I hope you enjoy your book.

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway.


  1. Wooohoo! So, so glad that Aarti won! I know she is going to have a lot of fun with this one!
