Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Teaser Tuesday: Far Fly the Eagles by Evelyn Anthony

This week my teaser comes from Far Fly the Eagles by Evelyn Anthony which is the third book in the Romanov trilogy. This book was originally published in 1955 but the edition that I am reading was published in 1989 but I am having absolutely no luck in tracking down the cover that the copy that I am reading has. I really don't like it when I can't use the exact image in my posts! Might even have to scan it in before I send it back to the library. Instead I bring you a couple of the other covers I have been able to locate.

One kind of odd thing is that all of these covers show the title as Far Flies the Eagle, but the edition that I am reading has the title as Far Fly the Eagle. Anyway, enough about hard to find covers.

The book is set in the lead up and duration of the Russian war with Napoleon. The teaser comes from page 100:
"Either we stand and fight, Sire, or we make peace with Napoleon. The temper of the army and the Court won't stand another retreat."
Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in! 


  1. Retreating is giving up. He's right. Can't retreat. Great Teaser.

  2. I feel your frustration with the cover issue. I'm the same way.

    Poor Russia -- it was a tough decision.

  3. Beth, it doesn't happen very often but still very frustrating when it does!

    Thanks for stopping by Tea!

  4. I bet I would love this book! Great teaser, Marg!

  5. I definitely enjoyed your teaser. It's strange that the title was changed, isn't it?
    Here's my teaser: http://iousex.blogspot.com/2012/01/teaser-tuesday-jan-3.html

  6. The book sounds interesting but the covers leave a lot to be desired! I am thinking this series needs to be rereleaed again...

  7. Kailana, they are all old covers. The first one is good enough to be rereleased. Not sure about this third one!

    Sandy, I would understand if it was totally changed, but not just by one word.

    Zibilee, the first couple of books in the trilogy were really good. This one was very battle and diplomacy heavy.

    Fredamans, I hadn't heard of her before a couple of months ago either.

  8. Good teaser. I actually like seeing the different covers books have worn through the years. It's interesting how styles change.
