Monday, January 23, 2012

Threaded comments

Trying out the new blogger threaded comments to see if it works or not.


  1. Helping out with your test. So far so good

    Beth Daniels
    aka Beth Henderson, J.B. Dane

    1. The reply button shows up on my blog but doesn't work. I'm bummed

    2. I wasn't sure that it was working for me either, but it seems to be now!

      Do you have a custom template. If yes, there is a different process which I am happy to share with you!

      Thanks for helping out Beth!

  2. Thanks

    ...kind of looks like it is working.

  3. I can not see the option on the Anglers Rest blog, but it ace automatically on my 2012 photo blog started at the beginning of Jan. did you have to enable it?

    1. Hi Julie, you have to have your comments set to embedded and then if you have a custom template there is another step as well. Let me know if you need a hand.

    2. Marg, thanks for that. I have nw found the embedded option, so hopefully all is good!

  4. I just switched to threaded commends, too. Pretty cool, aren't they?

    1. They are! We have been waiting for so long for them so I am very excited.

  5. I applied it to my blog too, I'm liking it. It's going to make responding to comments a whole lot easier. Happy blogger decided to do this.

    1. This is something that I have been waiting for for so long! Very happy blogger here!

    2. Dd you say you had issues with Intense Debate?

    3. Sean, I did in the past, and I knew a couple of people who lost all their comments when they installed it a couple of years ago so I was always a bit wary of taking the chance with it. I had almost talked myself into it, but I don't need to anymore!

    4. Yeah though that was the case. It could be just me but I don't seemed to have got an email notification re your reply above and can't seem to see a box to tick hmmm will keep you posted.

    5. There is a subscribe by email button on the right underneath the text box but no tick a box as such.

  6. I want to try this too and am going to have to see if I can install this for my blog as well.

    1. Loving it so far Zibilee! Have been waiting age for threaded comments!

  7. Hi, I found your blog through a google search on the reply button for custom templates. I saw in your comments that you know the trick to making it work on my custom template blog? I'd love to know how if you could tell me. I have the "reply" button but when I click on it, nothing happens.

    1. Puttin on the Grits, this is how we got it to work on mine. I would take a backup first though in case you want to revert.

      If you change to the New Blogger Interface. You can change back after. Then click ‘Template’, then click ‘Edit HTML’. Some warning thing will come up and just click ‘Proceed’. Then, down at the bottom you will see ‘revert widget templates to default’. Click that and then ‘save template’.
