Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Library Loot: April 25 to May 1

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
Once upon a time I used to tell myself that I needed to step away from the online library catalogue. Now, I think I should probably expand that to say I need to step away from the Interlibrary loan catalogue too. After picking up three ILL's last week I had another one this week as well.

Here's my loot:

Eric by Terry Pratchett - My ILL for this week. My library is actually a bit hit and miss in terms of which books they have in this series and which ones they don't.

The Greatcoat by Helen Dunmore - I am not normally a reading of horror, but I heard Helen Dunmore speak about this book on a couple of podcasts a while ago and the premise sounded really good. I also have read and enjoyed Dunmore before so I as prepared to give it ago.

Hot Under Pressure by Louisa Edwards - the next book in the Rising Star Chef series.

The Surrender of Miss Fairbourne by Madeline Hunter - the start of a new series from this author!

Mr Linky is over at Claire's blog today. Head over to share your link.


  1. pretty dress + a guy.. with rather large muscles! haha... interesting covers there, Marg!

    1. Yep! Always an interesting mix, and the insides of the book are all different too!

  2. haha, we think alike. I went to put that Dunmore on hold at my own library, but didn't because I got distracted looking at her older stuff... Enjoy your loot!

    1. LOL! It is only a small book but I am looking forward to reading it!

  3. I haven't heard of that Pratchett, but then again, I know there are so many that I haven't ever heard of! I hope that you enjoy all your new arrivals and that I get the chance to hear about them, in depth!

    1. Heather, I wouldn't have heard of it either except it was the next one published. It doesn't get talked about much.

  4. Nice! I keep seeing the Dunmore book pop-up. I might have to give in and check that one out. I'm currently using ILL to work my way through a couple of graphic novel series.

    1. Samantha, I often have to use ILL to read series too. It's very frustrating when your library only has bits and pieces of a series.

  5. I've never heard of Dunmore but that cover is a grabber. I'm going to dash off to look it up.

    1. Nancy, Dunmore has quite a backlist. I have read two others - The Siege and The Betrayal - both set in Russia, one is the siege of Leningrad in WWII and the other in Communist Russia.

  6. It has been far too long since I read anything by Pratchett. Enjoy your loot!

    1. A week is really too long to wait to read Pratchett!

  7. I like the sound of the Helen Dunmore but no sign of it in my library yet.
    Happy reading!

    1. Cat, I looked on my catalogue and they didn't have it, so I very nearly bought it, but I couldn't bring myself to pay $28 for a small hardcover book. I checked the catalogue a few days later and it was there.
