Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Library Loot: July 18 to 24

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
Whilst I still have quite a few books coming through on request, I am expecting that it will drop off a little bit as I have been pretty good at sticking to my request restrictions. I have so many fabulous books here that I need to read, both from the library and that I have acquired in other ways that I really want to be able to feel as though I am making a dent in the TBR pile.

Claire has the Mr Linky this week, so head over there to add the link to your loot post.

Here are the books that I picked up this week

Blame it on Paris by Laura Florand - Not sure I will get this read for this year's Paris in July, but I might end up reading it and reviewing it and just leave it in draft.

Flavours of Melbourne: favourite restaurants and bars in Melbourne's laneways and rooftops by Jonette George - This book is huge! Much bigger than I was expecting, but I am looking forward to exploring the contents.

Pardonable Lies by Jacqueline Winspear - The next Maisie Dobbs book.

Queens Bounty by Fiona Buckley - It has been years since the last book featuring Ursula Blanchard as amateur sleuth. I honestly thought that the series had been dropped never to be revived again, but apparently I was wrong!

The Restaurant of Love Regained by Ito Igawa - Saw this on Sam Still Reading and instantly thought it sounds like my kind of book.


  1. yay books.. your books always seem to have pretty covers :)

  2. I'm not familiar with these but enjoy!

  3. I have seen the Maisie Dobbs book before - I have lost my thread a bit with the series, so can not recall if I have read this one previously or I have it here.....

  4. The last two look exceptionally good, but then again, I am a historical fiction nut as well as a foodie book nut, so take that how you will! Have fun with these!

  5. I'm not familiar with any of these books. Hope you enjoy them, Marg.

  6. I never made it past the first Maisie Dobbs book but I do love those covers! Enjoy!

  7. Mmm, romance, historical fiction and food. You can't go wrong there :-) I read The Restaurant of Love Regained only recently and was unfortunately disappointed by it. Did not think it was on the same level as Chocolat... and it's not really a fun read for veggies :-/ Looking forward to your review!

  8. Thanks for the link :) I hope you enjoy it. I haven't read Chocolat but maybe I should - as long as it doesn't get me eating too much of it!
