Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday Snapshot: To Adelaide and back again....and back again

For the first time since I moved to Melbourne 11 years ago, I didn't have to work in the few days between Christmas and New Year and so I was able to spend Christmas in Adelaide. All up we spent nearly 10 days there. I was able to catch up with friends plus be a bit of a tourist too. What I didn't realise at the time was that I would be back here less than three weeks later! One of the ways I have been entertaining myself, both on the drive over and home and then the second trip over, is to take photos of various things. Today, I am sharing some of those photos.

The very scary Giant Koala at Dadswell Bridge

Lots of wide open spaces
Photo fun!
At the beach! It was HOT this night but the cool change was just coming in
A visit to Clare to meet up with Sean the Bookonaut and Mrs Bookonaut included some dirt road driving
Clare Library
Quick stop at a winery on the way home

 A Day in the City

Adelaide Railway Station is much grander than I recall

I recently learnt that these pools are designed to look like dinosaur bones

The Mall's Balls

The pigs in the Mall!

Mmmm... chocolate

At the beach at Glenelg

Last week, Louise from A Strong Belief in Wicker talked about taking panoramic photos which prompted me to see whether I have that setting on my phone camera, and I do! I have had lots of fun playing with that setting over the last couple of days.

It's a bit hazy, but this is Adelaide from Mt Lofty

Victor Harbor from The Bluff

Victor Harbor looking towards The Bluff

The horse drawn tram that goes to Granite Island

Whale tail fountain

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce from At Home with Books


  1. Thanks for the journey! What a nice array of shots...and such a diverse group.


  2. Wow! Excellent arm chair tour! Lucky you to have been able to spend all that time out and about!

  3. I love those fountains but not too sure about the pigs...or the koala!

  4. I loved these pictures when you posted them on Instagram and they're so cool!!!!

  5. Wow... taking panoramic photos on your phone camera? I'd like to learn that. These are so interesting, so different from where I am here in Western Canada... except the second photo. I know what wide open space is like. ;)

  6. Oh, how wonderful to see such lovely photos of Adelaide - I feel as if I've had a tour of the city, which is nice, because I'm unlikely to ever visit Australia, My Snapshot is at

  7. Oh my goodness....what a beautiful place. The sky's color is amazing. The water is such a beautiful blue as well.

    THANKS so much for sharing.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

  8. This looks like so much fun! I need to go to Adelaide now.

  9. I envy you the warm weather! My favorite out of all of those is the one with the dirt road. It just looks like how I'd imagine Australia.

  10. Beautiful photos! I've never been to Adelaide. Or Melbourne either. I really need to see more of this country.

  11. Thanks for sharing such great photos.

  12. Loving this, Marg! I kind of like the Giant Koala though... Haha!

  13. I was in Adelaide for the first time last year - how lovely to recognise some of the places you took pics of!
    You're right that koala is very scary!!
    I was telling one of our fellow Sat Snapshotters about the bronze pigs - made me smile to see your pic of them :-)

  14. I feel like I got to go on vacation myself looking through your fun photos. I am partial to the big koala :)

  15. I'm driving through the Grampians in a couple of weeks, and that koala has been on my To Do List for EVER - I hope we get a gorgeous day like you had!

  16. oh my goodness, great pictures! I like that shot of the trees and the dirt road. Thanks for sharing these.

  17. Love your pics Marg, it looks like you had a great time! Ohh I love the Clare Valley... would love to return again soon.

    Haha those pics of the pigs in the mall made me laugh... when we went on our road trip through SA with our dog, Buddy we stopped in at Adelaide and went for a walk along the mall. Buddy thought the pigs were real and stopped to sniff their backsides!

  18. Oh, I'm so glad you got to do some panoramas- they change the way you take photos I found. And are lots of fun. What an excellent trip you had, great photos. I was in Adelaide earlier in the year and of course saw many of the same things in Rundle Mall that you did.

  19. Gorgeous pics - I haven't been to S.A. (except for transit) for ages...I love Haigh's and Victor Harbor!
