Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Library Loot: April 3 to 9

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
It was such a relief to get to the library again tonight! I don't know about your library system but ours was closed for four days over the Easter weekend. Despite the fact that I have more than enough library books to keep me reading and that's before I talk about books I have bought or review books, I went through withdrawals from not being able to drop in like I normally do on Saturday!

Here are the books that I got before that enforced absence:

Rose on Wheels by Sherryl Clark - Moving on to the next Our Australian Girl series. I read the first one of these last year.

The Puzzle Ring by Kate Forsyth - Over the last couple of months I have read and loved both Bitter Greens and The Wild Girl. Time now to start working my way through Kate Forsyth's backlist.

The People Smuggler by Robin de Crespigny - This was one of the books that was on the longlist for the Stella Prize award. It sounds like a really interesting read, and I knew that I had to give it a go once I read Bree's gushing review.

Like No Other Lover by Julie Ann Long - My library has books 1, 4, 6 and 8 in this series, so I had to get this, the second book, via interlibrary loan.

On Rue Tatin by Susan Loomis - Another interlibrary loan! Paris and food...sounds like a great read to me!

What loot did you get this week? Add the link to your post to Mr Linky below:


  1. They all look great. Enjoy your loot!

  2. The People Smuggler looks scary, and very real. Lots of good loot here today! I hope that you love every one of them!

    1. It looks enlightening I think, especially in light of the political culture around the issue of illegal immigrants here.

  3. Doesn't that drive you crazy when your library has random books in a series? How did 1, 4, 6 and 8 get there without 2, 3, 5, and 7?!?! Lol!

    Enjoy your reads, Marg!

  4. Eeee! I saw that The People Smuggler book on someone else's blog too.. I went looking for it.. might try to get it transferred to my library.. let me know what you think of it! :)

    1. Bree read it an loved it so maybe that was where you saw it!

  5. I'm posting this a little late, but I'm a newbie blogger. I love seeing everyone else's library loot posts!
