Saturday, August 31, 2013

Weekend Cooking: Food Fight

Whilst I do have some other more serious Weekend Cooking posts kicking around my head, sometimes you just have to follow the muse, and today my muse is saying


The other night I had MTV Classic (the one where they actually play music) on and they were playing songs from the 90s. One of the songs that they played was Why Does it Always Rain Down on Me by Scottish band Travis. My favourite song by Travis is called Sing which features the band and friends at an elegant dinner party which then dissolves into a massive food fight, and thus a Weekend Cooking post was born!

When I was googling food fights to look for other examples, there were a number of worlds biggest food fight type links which lead to festivals around the world that involve throwing a variety of food stuffs around: a Battle of Oranges that is held in Ivrea in Italy each year: a meringue war in Vilanova, Spain: any number of tomato throwing festivals including La Tomatina which is held in Bunol, Spain each year; again in Spain, a wine throwing festival held in Haro and so many more (including more in Spain). I am not sure that I would necessarily like to participate in these fights from a getting clean afterwards perspective, but it would be fun! Has anyone ever participated in any of these types of festivals?

The other thing that searching for food fights lead me to was some famous food fights on film, which I thought I would share here. I think the first one is probably my favourite.

Every list I found included this clip from Animal House, but I don't think I had ever seen the whole film. Never really felt the need to.

And what would a food fight post be without a pie fight?

So, get your mash potato and cream pies ready. Food fight starts in 3....2....1.

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. For more information, see the welcome post.


  1. Who knew that food fighting was an actual thing worldwide? No, haven't attended; not sure I'd love getting covered in food. Animal House was being filmed in Eugene, OR, when I was in grad school at the university there. We'd see the stars every once in a while. The food fight was filmed in the student union building, if I recall correctly.

    1. I am not sure I'd like the getting covered in food part either, but the atmosphere would be mega fun!

  2. Animal House food fight was classic. Personally I like a good cream pie in the face film. The old black and white films from before 1950 did them very well. Funny post. Pam

    1. I swear that there should be many more pie fights that I found! Maybe I will have another look later.

  3. Oranges would hurt! (I love Animal House - completely anarchic.)

    1. Oranges would hurt wouldn't they. There was also an egg and flour fight in one place which not only would hurt but also smell afterwards!

  4. Animal House is such a classic - I love it! Great post :-)

  5. Takes me back to childhood. but does seem a waste of food.... pillow fight anyone?

    1. It does indeed seem a bit of a waste, but fun though, as long as you don't have to be the one cleaning up afterwards!

  6. Fun! Who knew we humans liked to throw food so much?

  7. I've never seen that music video before, but I do love the scene from HOOK - it's classic! One of these days I'll recreate it with friends...

    1. Will need to make sure you supply rain ponchos if all your friends come dressed up!
