Monday, November 25, 2013

Announcing the 2013 Virtual Advent Tour

Merry Christmas!

There are a few ways that I know that Christmas is on it's way. First, I start having those 'for Christmas can I have ....' conversations with the boy (actually those start pretty much straight after his birthday in September), the decorations go up in the shops and it is time to start preparing for the Virtual Advent tour for this year!

A couple of days ago, Kelly  from The Written World and I announced that the sign ups for 2013 Virtual Advent Tour are open! This is going to be the eighth year that Kelly and I have co-hosted the tour where we invite people to share their holiday memories, recipes, traditions etc with us all, even for those of you who don't celebrate Christmas (we would love to hear what you do for the holidays). We have a separate blog for sign ups, buttons, and the daily posts talking about where the stops will be! We hope that lots of you decide to sign up and join in on the fun this year. If you would like to have a look at some of the posts in previous years, you will be able to find some links here I can't wait to once again visit all the participants and see what everyone comes up with to share with us all!

You can also follow us on Twitter @VirtualAdvent

Over the last couple of years I have collected Christmassy quotes as I have found them through the year and so I will be posting them throughout the month. For some reason though I haven't found as many as usual this year. Or it could be that I wasn't as diligent at saving them as I normally am! Either way, there will be some quotes at least. 

In an exciting new addition to the tour this year, we are teaming up with the lovely ladies at The Estella Society to bring a photo a day style challenge to the tour! I used to be good at participating in these challenges but not so much lately. I do like looking at everyone elses pictures too though so we will see if I am inspired to post something for everyday during December!

The Advent Tour has become a huge part of my build up to Christmas each year, helping to get me just a little bit excited about the holidays, and I love reading about everyone's traditions, favourite food, music and films!



  1. I need to figure out if I can come up with a post this year. I'll think on it!
