Sunday, November 02, 2014

Sunday Salon: So I read some books - not many, but some.'s fair to say that this is my worst year for reading, reviewing and blogging in nearly 10 years.

I am not really reading, certainly not reviewing and blogging is sporadic at best. Today, at least, I thought I would at least give a Sunday Salon post a go to share my May to October reads. It is a far cry from the months where I averaged 20 or so books in a month. In September, for example, I read just one book. I listened to another but actually reading - just the one. Unthinkable.

Here's what I have read or listened to over the last few months


Winning the Player by  Leesa Bow 3.5/5
True North: the story of Mary and Elizabeth Durack by Brenda Niall 3.5/5 (book club)
The Shadow Queen by Sandra Gulland 3.5/5
A Star for Mrs Blake by April Smith 4.5/5
Life After Life by Kate Atkinson 3.5/5 (audio book)


Eyrie by Tim Winton 3/5 (audio book)
The Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen 3.5/5
The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta 4.5/5 (audio book/reread)
Hope Ignites by Jaci Burton 4/5


Melting the Ice by Jaci Burton 4/5
Burial Rites by Hannah Kent 4/5 (audio book)
Sun-Kissed by Laura Florand 3.5/5
Sapphire Skies by Belinda Alexandra 3.5/5 (audio book)


The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion 4.5 (audio book/reread)
Rockstar Addiction Nalini Singh 3.5


Written in my Own Hearts Blood by Diana Gabaldon 4/5 (audio book)
Driving in Neutral by Sandra Antonelli 3.5


Evergreen Falls by Kimberley Freeman 4.5/5/
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins 4.5/5

When I read Isla and the Happily Ever After I read it in a day which is almost a return to my old normal way of reading but it did make me realise a couple of things about the role of reading in my life before and has given me some food for thought about what it's role should be in my life now. I did start to compose a blog post about that in my head. Who knows. Sometimes in the next week I might even get around to starting to put some of those thoughts into a blog post that might be published.

Currently reading

House of Memories by Monica McInerney (or at least that is the book that I am carrying around with me.

Currently listening

The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith

Up Next

No idea!


  1. This is a pretty impressive list - in fact, I think just keeping a list this way is pretty impressive. . . and I'm with you, I didn't adore Lost Lake, although I really do like Sarah Addison Allen. :)

  2. Glad to see you back. I have a copy of A Star for Mrs. Blake. I need to get on it. I agree that Eyrie wasn't great. That's not his best one. Have a good week

  3. Ahh the cycles of blogging and reading. I'd love to read that post you're thinking about. I'm glad to see you around this weekend!

  4. I think my comment just disappeared, but if not, I apologize for the double post. I am looking forward to reading your post about reading's new role in your life. It seems like there are a lot of us going through some reading/blogging changes lately.

  5. Must be something in the air...I'm having a shocking year for reading (and blogging) too. I just finished my first print book in several months. I'm ashamed

  6. I have been having the same kind of year- I haven't read nearly as many books as I would like to. However, I recently found a thrilling historical fiction that I just can't put down... "Inventing Madness" by J.G. Schwartz I hope it gets made into a movie. Thank you for your great list of books- I will definitely check some of them out!

  7. I'm not doing very well either since Oct. After our shooting here (I live in Ottawa, the capital) I have been unable to settle down into anything for very long. I went back and read some of your blog posts, and am sad to see that you have joined me in the diabetic circle. How is it going? I hope you are finding the good in it. I've been Type 2 since 2010, so 4 1/2 years now. I've found walking and watching carbs a big help, though I do like cookies! With young children still in the house, I don't want to have them go without so I try to limit myself.....I hope your end of year is going a bit better, and who knows, maybe this was a not-reading year for so many just because we needed to not be reading. I hope you're doing well, Marg.
