Saturday, June 13, 2015

Weekend Cooking: Pork Nachos

My quest to find recipes that are healthy, tasty, acceptable to the teenage boy and diabetes friendly continues, and I have to say I think this recipe is a winner!

One of the things that I have noticed in my weight loss journey is that I am more likely to be successful when I am spending time looking through the Diabetic Living magazines that I am subscribed to and the cook books that I have (the ones that focus on weight loss and diabetes only) even if I am not picking recipes to make. It's almost as though it is part of training my brain to think differently. I study the magazines as soon as I receive them and then again and again. Luckily this is a magazine that I do find lots of tasty looking recipes in.

This recipe is one that I found in the May/June issue of the Australian version of Diabetic Living magazine.

I actually cooked this twice in the space of week. The first time was on a Sunday night when I asked a friend and her kids around for dinner at short notice. Everyone liked it but the 3 year old was particularly enthusiastic, even coming back for seconds. Mum was also impressed when I told her how many vegetables there were hidden in it! The second time was at the request of my teenage son. Again, I am not going to tell him how many vegies there actually are in it.

Pork Nachos

1 brown onion, roughly chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 stick celery, roughly chopped
1 zucchini, roughly chopped
1 red capsicum, roughly chopped
1 tspn olive oil
400g Heart Smart pork mince (very lean)
1 tbspn salt-reduced taco seasoning or gluten free taco seasoning
400g can no-added-salt chopped tomatoes
1 tspn Massel chicken style salt reduced stock powder
185 ml (3/4 cup) water
400g can no-added-salt red kidney beans, drained
80g Macro Original Corn Chips**
40g (1/2 cup) reduced-fat grated cheese
1 large tomato, chopped to serve
Coriander leaves to serve
2 tbspsn extra-light sour cream

**I couldn't find this particular brand so I just used ordinary corn chips

Put onion, garlic, celery, zucchini and capsicum in a food processor and process until finely chopped.

Heat oil in a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Add vegetable mixture and cook, stirring occasionally, for 8 minutes or until vegetables soften. Increase heat to high. Add mince and cook, stirring often, breaking up any lumps with a wooden spoon, for 3-4 minutes or until mince is browned.

Add taco seasoning to pan and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Add canned tomato, stock powder, and water. Bring to a simmer. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. Add beans and cook, uncovered, for a further 10 minutes or until mixture is thick.

Preheat oven to 180C (fan-forced). Spoon mince mixture into a shallow ovenproof dish. Arrange corn chips on top, pushing slightly into mince. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 10 minutes or until cheese melts. Top with tomato and sprinkle with coriander.  Serve with sour cream.

Serves 4.

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. For more information, see the welcome post.


  1. I can certainly understand what a challenge it must be to find meals suitable for both a diabetic and a growing teenage boy. This definitely sounds like a winner!

    1. It turns out that most of the time I end up buying junk and pretend that I don't know it is there. He's happy and I am still keeping the diabetes under control and losing weight.

  2. This is a terrific way to make healthy nachos, which is one of my weaknesses.

    1. I was impressed with how tasty and healthy these were.

  3. Love this idea. I make a lot of nachos here in Texas, but I've never tried pork.

    1. I don't think I have made nachos with any kind of meat before.

  4. Those sound delicious. I am in Texas too, but I haven't made many nachos in the last few years. May have to add them back in to the cooking regime. :-)

    1. I hadn't made them for a long time either.

  5. I can totally understand a 3 year old's delight in being served chips with dinner!! We've done nachos a time or two and it's always a winner. Just noticed I'm your third Texan commenter...yup, we do love nachos! ;)

  6. Pork Nachos is definitely something I could get into. Thanks for sharing this. I love nachos and love that this is a healthy version of a favorite food.

    1. Alex, finding healthy versions of my favourite foods rather than eating really differently is one of the things that I think has really helped me sustain weight loss.

  7. Yum! This sounds delicious. There are so many great diabetic recipes out there. I've never really made nachos for dinner but this would be a great way to start.

    1. I was pleasantly surprised by how much delicious diabetic friendly recipes there were.

      This is definitely a full dinner dish

  8. I adore nachos and I love the idea that there are hidden veggies in these. I think I'm going to have to give them a try.

    1. And I loved that the chopping of all those hidden vegies was so easy!!

  9. Pork nachos sound great! But, what is a brown onion?

    1. onion with brown skin as opposed to red skin or white skin. Just a normal onion really

  10. I love nachos, too, but don't have them as often as we used to before hubby got converted to healthy eating! This sounds like a less-guilty pleasure to try.

    1. I am certainly glad that I tried them. Will definitely be made again in my house.

  11. Interesting about the brain training.... Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

    1. It's a connection I have only recently made Carole, but I think it definitely affects how successful I am at losing weight if I am not spending time actively reading such things.

  12. Oh my, I'm salivating just reading this! Pork (carnitas) burritos at Chipotle are my very favorite, so I'm sure I'd love this, too. It must be a challenge cooking for someone with diabetes, but at the same time I imagine your meals are healthful for everyone around your table.

    1. The boy makes up for the more healthy foods with his food choices that I am not sharing in!!!

  13. I hope you enjoy them if you do try them Vicki

  14. Im going to try this one, we never seem to eat pork and this seems like an easy way too add it.
    Happy cooking
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  15. We have nacho night reasonably often, but my teenager is a vegetarian so we have vegetarian nachos. He's always happy with it. I always top ours with fresh chopped tomato and cucumber, mashed avocado and sour cream. Pork sounds good though. I wish there was a picture for us all to enjoy.

    1. Didn't even think about taking a pic before it got devoured. It is one downside of sharing recipes from the DL magazine because there aren't many pictures of the recipes unfortunately.

  16. Oh that does sound yummy. A bit of pork can mask quite a number of veggies!
