Monday, January 20, 2020

This week....

I'm reading....

Last week I mentioned that I was trying to work out ways to find time to actually read. Turns out one of the easy ways is to forget your phone but still have your Kindle with you so you can read! Also, not sleeping properly helped me make it through Fangirl, which I ended up finishing early on Saturday morning.

The big news this week is that we booked our big holiday for this year. Without giving away too many details because we are still very much in the planning stage, we will be visiting France, which is one of the reasons that I have picked up Sixty Summers by Australian author Amanda Hampson. It looks as though this author has a number of books set in France, so if I enjoy it, I could be set for a while.

To be honest though, it's not like I have a shortage of books set in France. Even after all of these years, France is one of my favourite settings to read about, and to dream of visiting.

At least one of the places I have on our must visit list is somewhere I read about a while ago, but I'll tell more about that when it happens.

I'm watching...

In my quest to find something new to watch we started watching the The Marvellous Mrs Maisel this week. So far, I am enjoying it a lot, and I like that there is more than one season to watch!

I also watched an episode of Outlander this week. I love the books, and I enjoy the TV series, but for some reason I haven't yet watched the fourth season. I know I really need to hurry up because season five is coming up very soon.

We went on date night on Friday night and saw 1917 in Gold Class. I thought it was a very good movie, and can see why it is receiving so many accolades. I also thought the main actor, George Mackay, was excellent. I have seen him before in the movies Sunshine on Leith and Pride which are both good movies!

In life...

I managed to surprise a couple of my staff this week with my ability to talk books at length. Since starting my new job last year I haven't really found my book buddy yet, so it was great to be able to chat!

Apart from booking our trip (did I mention that yet?), the other thing that we are spending a fair amount of time on is preparation for our bathroom renovations which we are planning to start/finish  when we get back home. Right now we are in planning stage so thinking about tiles, fixtures, colours etc. These things are not really my strong points but having said that, everything we have done so far has turned out pretty well.

We did, however, get a bit distracted at one point. We decided we would go and have a look at display homes to see what is current in bathrooms. All was going well until we walked into particular show home and it took our breath away. We literally walked in with no plan to even look at houses with a view to building a house, by the time we walked out we were practically ready to sign the paperwork. We didn't because moving house is not on the agenda for quite some time, and building has never been on the agenda, but we will be potentially thinking about that house for some time to come! It's probably a good idea for us not go to look at that house again!

The other thing I did this weekend was go to a cocktail event called The Wizards Cauldron. The idea is that you solve a series of clues that lead you to the ingredients that enable you to complete a magic potion spell to create a cocktail! It was a bit of fun for a Sunday afternoon!

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. Oh, the upcoming trip sounds wonderful, and so does that cocktail event.

    I love The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and yes, it is great to start a series when there are a few seasons to watch.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I think we will get through Mrs Maisel relatively quickly!

  2. Your trip sounds great! Sixty Summers looks like a good book. I loved Mrs. Maisel and I can't wait for a new season to come out. Have a great week!

    1. I hope Sixty Summers is good! Early days yet.

  3. I have looked at The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel yet even though I have it through Amazon Prime. I should give it a try since I'm entering the Sports Doldrums until baseball begins. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I have been contemplating it for a while but glad I have finally started it.

  4. Oh the cocktail sounds fun! France sounds great too, I hope you have fun. I haven't watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel but it looks good. And good luck with the renovations! I hope they turn out well.

    Ash @ JennReneeRead

    1. The renos will be good...once we get to them!

  5. I am glad you had your Kindle with you when you forgot your phone! Sometimes I forget my Kindle and am so glad I have my phone so I can read on there in a pinch. I love vacation planning! I don't get to do too much of it, I'm afraid. You must be so excited about your upcoming vacation. The Wizards Cauldron sounds like a fun event! I hope you have a great week!

  6. France? How exciting!!! I can't wait to hear more about your plans.

    House hunting by accident is fun--you see nice properties and it doesn't cost you money. You might want to talk to a professional home stager or interior designer for help with the renovations. Design and decorating is not my thing either, so my home stager friend is invaluable to me.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  7. I adore The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel--I hope you enjoy it!

  8. It sounds like is been a pretty wonderful week for you, The Wizards Cauldron sounds like such a fun and unique event in particular.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  9. Wow, France! SO exciting! If I could go, I'd probably want to see Versailles :D

    1. I have been to Versailles and it was gorgeous! This time we are concentrating on Northern France

  10. I looooooove Mrs. Maisel! Just started Season 3 a few days ago. And France!!! So exciting!

  11. I enjoy visit planning although that task now falls to hubby. House hunting can be fun but can be too tempting.
    I like the idea of The Wizard's Cauldron - sounds fun!
    You are busy - no wonder you have a hard time squeezing in reading. Hope you enjoy reading when you can!

    1. I was just saying to my husband that I love deciding where to go and doing the big picture planning but the details like where to go feel overpowering because there are just too many choices so I am pretty much leaving that up to him
