Saturday, February 01, 2020

Weekend Cooking: Mexican Chicken and Rice

Many years ago now I was at my cousin's house for dinner and she served up this dish. The recipe  was written on the back of a blue envelope and I made it a few times but then forgot about it.

Recently we were doing a bit of clean out and we came across the blue envelope again and so we have made the recipe again. There was a photo of the recipe sent to my son so he could make it one night, and to my husband (still getting used to saying that!) so he could  make it another night, and yet, every time we put it on the menu for the week we walk around the house saying things like "has anyone seen that envelope?".

So, in the interests of saving everyone's time and sanity, I am going to share the recipe here.

Now I am aware that this isn't really Mexican, it's more inspired by than genuine, it is easy, and it is tasty so it is on our rotation of meals now.

Mexican Chicken and Rice

Red kidney beans
8 Chicken thigh fillets chopped
2 jars Taco Sauce
Grated Cheese
Sour Cream

Preheat over to 160C.

Cook rice and then mix with the beans and coriander. Spread in the bottom of a baking dish.

Cook chicken in a frying pan. When brown, stir through the taco sauce and heat through.

Place in baking dish over the rice

Sprinkle with more cheese

Cover with foil and bake for 40 minutes

Serve with sour cream

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. For more information, see the welcome post.


  1. This looks yummy and easy with not too many ingredients. I had a great recipe for fried rice that my guys loved but I found online and the only way I could find it again was to go through 6 months of my FB posts, lol.

    1. This isn't the first time I've posted a recipe on my blog so that I can find it again at a later date!

  2. Love the simple approach - tasty. cheers

  3. I have to say, that sounds fab! Believe it or not I've never used Taco sauce, is it very hot? I love tasty and spicy but not blow your head off hot.

    1. I think it depends on which type you buy. We tend to buy mild rather than hot sauce.

    2. Ah right. I'll have a look. I didn't know it came in various degrees of heat, thought it was 'one size fits all'. :-D

  4. I'd love to try this, I love anything Mexican flavored

  5. It looks very cheesy and delicious! ;-)

  6. I love a good Mexican recipe, I'm pinning this.
